Workspace Environment Management (WEM) 2407

Last Modified: Aug 4, 2024 @ 10:37 am


This post covers Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM) versions 2407 and older.

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Workspace Environment Management (WEM) is Citrix’s Performance Management and UEM (User Environment Management) tool for all XenApp/XenDesktop Enterprise or Platinum Customers with active Software Maintenance (Subscription Advantage is not sufficient). The WEM Agent is supported on XenApp 6.5, and XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x. Videos:

Note: WEM does not replace Citrix Profile Management. You usually implement both.

Citrix Blog Post User Experience on Steroids: Citrix Workspace Environment Management has a list of Frequently Asked Questions about WEM, including a drawing of the architecture.

From Hal Lange at Database sizing at Citrix Discussions: SQL Always On is fully supported.  In WEM 1909 and older, the ONE caveat is to remove from the Always On Availability Group before upgrading.

Here are the official calculations from the Norskale days on space needed on the SQL Server:

  • Reserve 1GB of RAM per 1,000 users deployed
  • RAM=1.5GB system + (1.5GB SQL + 1 GB per 1,000 users) for that SQL instance
  • Disk = 1GB per 10,000 users per year + 10 MB per WEM site configured

Upgrade WEM

There is no LTSR version of Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM), so you should always upgrade to the latest version of WEM.

From Upgrade a deployment at Citrix Docs: In-place upgrades from versions earlier than Workspace Environment Management 4.7 to version 1808 or later are not supported. To upgrade from any of those earlier versions, you need to upgrade to version 4.7 first and then upgrade to the target version.

If you want to upgrade a WEM deployment earlier than 2006 to 2209 or later: To avoid database upgrade failures, upgrade to 2103 first and then to 2209 or later.

CTA Marco Hofmann at CUGC: How-To: Update Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM) from 4.x to 4.7 (v4.07.00.00)

To upgrade Citrix WEM:

  1. In-place upgrade the Citrix Licensing Server. No special instructions.
    • Ensure the installed licenses a non-expired Subscription Advantage date.
  2. Before you upgrade, run WEM Infrastructure Service Configuration Utility and record all settings.
  3. In-place upgrade the WEM Server. No special instructions.
  4. Use the Database Maintenance tool to upgrade the WEM database.
    • In WEM 1909 and older, before upgrading the database that’s in a SQL Server Always On availability group, you must remove it from the availability group. This is no longer required in WEM 1912 and newer.
  5. You might have to run the WEM Infrastructure Service Configuration Utility on each WEM Server to point to the upgraded database. If the settings are still there, then just click Save Configuration.
  6. In-place upgrade the WEM Console. No special instructions.
  7. In-place upgrade the WEM Agents.

Install/Upgrade WEM Server (Infrastructure Service)

There is no LTSR version of Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM), so you should always upgrade to the latest version of WEM.

The WEM Infrastructure Service can be installed on one or more servers, but Citrix says don’t install it on Delivery Controllers. The WEM Agent cannot be installed on the Infrastructure Service server.

A WEM Server with 4 vCPU and 8 GB RAM can support up to 3,000 users.

  1. Port 8288 – WEM 1912 and newer have a new port 8288 for WEM Agent Cache Synchronization. You’ll need to add this port to your load balancer and open it in your firewall.
    • Port 8285 is still available for WEM Agents 2012 and older connecting to newer WEM Servers.
    • Old port removed – The Cache synchronization port (8285) was removed from WEM Server 2103 and newer, so make sure your existing agents are a version that supports the newer Cached data synchronization port. WEM Agent 1912 and newer should be sufficient.
    • If your existing WEM Agents don’t support the new port number, then upgrade your WEM Server to version 2012 (or version 1912), upgrade your WEM Agents to the corresponding version, and then upgrade the WEM Server to a newer version.
  2. Download Workspace Environment Management 2407 and extract it.
  3. If you are upgrading, run WEM Infrastructure Service Configuration Utility and record all settings. These settings might be wiped out during the upgrade.
  4. Licenses – make sure your installed CVAD licenses have a CSS date that is later than the date required by your WEM version. The required CSS date is shown at the top of the WEM download page.
  5. Run the downloaded Citrix Workspace Environment Management Infrastructure Services Setup.exe from the 2407-01-100-01 folder.
  6. Check the box next to I agree to the license terms and click Install.
  7. In the Welcome to the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Infrastructure Services Setup Wizard page, click Next.  
  8. In the Destination Folder page, click Next.
  9. In the Ready to install Citrix Workspace Environment Management Infrastructure Services page, click Install.
  10. In the Completed the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Infrastructure Services Setup Wizard page, click Finish.
  11. Click Launch Database Management Utility.
  12. AntivirusC:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Infrastructure Services and C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Infrastructure Services must be excluded from Antivirus scanning. Or exclude: Norskale Broker Service.exe; Norskale Broker Service Configuration Utility.exe; Norskale Database Management Utility.exe.
  13. If you are upgrading, then make sure your WEM Service Account has Full control permissions on the DBSync folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Infrastructure Services\DBSync. For new installs, WEM should set this permission correctly once the Infrastructure Services are configured. Note: this folder seems to be missing in newer versions of WEM.
  14. Firewall – Ensure firewall allows the following ports to/from the WEM Infrastructure Service servers. See Citrix Tech Zone Communication Ports Used by Citrix Technologies.
    • Agent Port – defaults to TCP 8286 – from WEM Agent to WEM Infrastructure Service
    • AgentSyncPort – defaults to TCP 8285 – from WEM Agent to WEM Infrastructure Service
    • Cached data synchronization port – defaults to TCP 8288 – from WEM Agent 1912 and newer to WEM Infrastructure Service
    • AdminPort – defaults to TCP 8284 – from WEM Admin Console to WEM Infrastructure Service
    • Monitoring Port – defaults to TCP 8287 – from Director to WEM Infrastructure Service
    • AgentPort – defaults to TCP 49752 – from WEM Infrastructure Service to WEM Agent

Upgrade WEM Database

Workspace Environment Management has PowerShell commands. For details, see Citrix Workspace Environment Management SDK at Citrix Developer docs.

To upgrade the Workspace Environment Management database using the GUI tool:

  1. If this is a new install, skip to Create WEM Database.
  2. The person running Database Management must be a sysadmin on the SQL Server. Or you can enter a SQL login.
  3. On the WEM server, run Database Management from the Start Menu.
  4. If upgrading, in the ribbon, click Upgrade Database.
  5. In WEM 1906 and newer, the fields might already be filled in. Otherwise:
    1. Enter the SQL Server Name.
    2. Enter the existing WEM Database Name.
    3. Configure the credentials for the WEM service account.
  6. If your account is not a sysadmin on SQL, then enter a SQL account in the Database Credentials fields.
  7. Click Upgrade.
  8. Click Yes when asked to proceed.
  9. Click OK when prompted that database upgraded successfully.
  10. Click Finish to close the Database Upgrade Wizard.
  11. Close the WEM Database Management Utility.
  12. Open services.msc and restart the Citrix WEM Infrastructure Service or restart Norskale Infrastructure Service.

After the database is upgraded, run the WEM Infrastructure Service Configuration Utility.

  1. If the upgrade preserved the settings, then simply click Save Configuration. The service won’t start unless you do this.
  2. In WEM older than version 1906, you might have to re-configure the settings.
    1. On the Licensing tab, configure the licensing server.
    2. On the Database Maintenance tab, consider checking Enable Scheduled Database Maintenance.
    3. On the Advanced Settings tab:
      1. Enter the Infrastructure service account credentials.
      2. Enter the vuemUser SQL user account password.
      3. In WEM 1909 and newer, check the box next to Enable performance tuning and set both of the Minimum threads boxes to the number of concurrent WEM Agents that will be connected to this one WEM server. Maximum value is 3000.
      4. Make a choice regarding Google Analytics.
    4. The Advanced Settings tab will look something like this.
    5. On the Database Settings tab, enter the database server name and database name.
    6. In the ribbon, click Save Configuration.
  3. Click Yes to restart the Broker Service.
  4. Skip ahead to upgrade the WEM Administration Console.

Create WEM Database

Workspace Environment Management has PowerShell commands. For details, see Citrix Workspace Environment Management SDK at Citrix Developer docs.

To create the database using the GUI tool:

  1. The person running Database Management must be a sysadmin on the SQL Server. Or you can enter a SQL login.
  2. Make sure SQL Server authentication (mixed mode) is enabled on the SQL server > Properties > Security. Even though the WEM Infrastructure Service server runs as an AD account that is used login to SQL, WEM Infrastructure Service also uses a SQL account named vuemUser, which means mixed mode must be enabled. Source = John Long at WEM new install, cannot connect to infrastructure server at Citrix Discussions.

  3. On the WEM server, run WEM Database Management Utility from the Start Menu.
  4. If a new install, in the ribbon, click Create Database.
  5. In the Create database Wizard page, click Next.
  6. In the Database Information page, enter the SQL server name, and enter a new Database Name.
    1. Only enter an instance name if you have a named SQL instance.
    2. Only enter a port number if your SQL instance is listening on a static port number other than 1433.
    3. From Måns Hurtigh at Problem creating WEM 4.3 Database on SQL Server 2012 at Citrix Discussions: The database name cannot contain a dash.
  7. The paths might not be correct so double check them. Then click Next.
  8. In the Database Server Credentials page, if your account has sysadmin permissions, then leave the box checked. Otherwise, uncheck the box, and enter a SQL login that has sysadmin permissions. Click Next.
  9. In the VUEM Administrators section, click Browse, and select your Citrix Admins group.
  10. In the Database Security page, if you intend to load balance multiple WEM servers, then specify a Windows service account for database access. The WEM  Infrastructure Service will run as this account. See the load balancing topic at Install the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Infrastructure Services at Citrix Docs.
  11. The Database Creation Wizard also creates a SQL account called vuemUser with an 8 character alphanumeric password. If you want it more complex, check the box and specify the password.
    • Note: if you intend to implement AlwaysOn Availability Group, then you must specify this password, since you’ll be asked for it again when adding the database to the Availability Group. Also see SQL Server Always On at Citrix Docs.

  12. Click Next.
  13. In the Database Information Summary page, click Create Database.
  14. Click OK when prompted that the database was created successfully.
  15. Click Finish to close the Database Creation Wizard.
  16. Close the WEM Database Management Utility.
  17. There is a log file at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Infrastructure Services\Citrix WEM Database Management Utility Debug Log.log” or at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Infrastructure Services\Citrix WEM Database Management Utility Debug Log.log”

WEM Infrastructure Services Configuration

  1. On the WEM Server, run WEM Infrastructure Service Configuration Utility from the Start Menu.
  2. On the Database Settings tab, enter the SQL Server name and database name.
  3. Switch to the Advanced Settings tab.
  4. If you intend to load balance WEM Servers, then Browse to a service account. This service account must have access to the database.

    • The service account must be in the local Administrators group on the WEM servers.
  5. Enter the vuemUser SQL user account password.
  6. In WEM 1909 and newer, check the box next to Enable performance tuning and set both of the Minimum threads boxes to the number of concurrent WEM Agents that will be connected to this one WEM server. Maximum value is 3000.
  7. Make a choice regarding Google Analytics.
  8. The Advanced Settings tab will look something like this.
  9. On the Database Maintenance tab, consider checking Enable Scheduled Database Maintenance.
  10. On the Licensing tab, you can enter a Citrix License Server or newer that has valid licenses. Or you can enter the license server later in the admin console.
  11. Click Save Configuration in the ribbon.
  12. Click Yes when asked to restart the Broker Service.
  13. Close the WEM Infrastructure Service Configuration utility.
  14. If you are load balancing WEM servers, then you must also create a Kerberos SPN, where [accountname] is the service account you are using for the Norskale service.
    setspn -U -S Norskale/BrokerService [accountname]

Install/Upgrade WEM Console

  1. Run Citrix Workspace Environment Management Console Setup.exe from the downloaded WEM 2407 (aka 2407-01-100-01) installation files.
  2. Check the box next to I agree to the license terms and click Install.
  3. In the Welcome to the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Console Setup Wizard page, click Next.
  4. In the Destination Folder page, click Next.
  5. In the Ready to install Citrix Workspace Environment Management Console page, click Install.
  6. In the Completed the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Console Setup Wizard page, click Finish.
  7. Click Close.

Install/Upgrade WEM Web Console

Install or upgrade the WEM Web Console on the WEM Server. The WEM Web Console can use port 443 if nothing else is using that port.

  1. In the extracted WEM 2407 folder, right-click Citrix Workspace Environment Management Web Console.exe and click Run as administrator.
  2. Check the box next to I agree to the license terms and click Install.
  3. In the Welcome to the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Web Console Setup Wizard page, click Next.
  4. In the Destination Folder page, click Next.
  5. In the Ready to install the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Web Console Setup Wizard page, click Install.
  6. In the Completed the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Web Console Setup Wizard page, click Finish.
  7. Click Launch Web Console Configuration. This might not work if you didn’t run the installer elevated.

Web Console Configuration

  1. Create a file share for WEM and grant Modify permission to a service account.
  2. Create a service account and add it to WEM Console > Administration > Administrators as Global Admin with Full Access and not Disabled.
  3. Install a certificate in the Local Computer store (certlm.msc).
  4. From the Start Menu, right-click WEM Web Console Configuration, expand More, and click Run as administrator.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Port number cannot conflict with other services already using the port, including IIS.
  7. The Infrastructure server name can be localhost if you installed the Web Console on the WEM Infrastructure Server.
  8. User name must be Global Admin inside WEM.
  9. Click Start service.
  10. Click Configure certificate.
  11. Browse to the local cert and then click Set up certificate.

  12. Click Finish.

  13. Launch the Web Console and login. 
  14. Click your name on the top-right and click Storage folder.
  15. Enter the UNC path to the file share for WEM.
  16. Check the box next to Require credentials and enter the service account. Click Done.

WEM Configuration Sets

Each WEM Agent belongs to one Configuration Set. Most actions in a Configuration Set can be filtered, but some settings are global to the Set. To handle global settings, you can create multiple Configuration Sets that apply to different WEM Agents.

In WEM Web Console (2308 and newer):

  1. On the left, click Configuration Sets.
  2. On the right, click Add configuration set.
  3. Give the set a name and click Save.

  4. Click a Configuration Set to create Actions and configure other settings.
  5. Use the drop-down menu on the top-left to switch to a different Configuration Set.
  6. Directory Objects lets you add individual computers or computer Organizational Units (OUs) and assign them to Configuration Sets.

  7. Back in the list of Configuration Sets, on the right, you can click Backup and Restore.
  8. Click Backup to perform a manual backup. Or click Manage automatic backup. The backups are stored in the SMB file share. In WEM 2407 and newer, automatic backups can keep up to 25 backups.

  9. Notice the Directory objects are not included in the backups.
  10. After you have a backup, you can Restore it to any Configuration Set. This is an easy way of copying one Set to another.

In WEM Classic Console:

  1. From the Start Menu, run WEM Administration Console.
  2. In the ribbon, click Connect.
  3. In the Infrastructure Server Connection window, enter the WEM Server name, and click Connect.
  4. Some WEM Console settings are global (every agent gets the same setting). So if you want different global settings for different agents, then you create multiple WEM Configuration sets. At the top of the window, in the ribbon, you can create a new WEM Configuration set. 
  5. WEM 1912 and newer can Backup and Restore entire Configuration Sets, which makes it easy to duplicate a Configuration Set.

    • When Restoring a Configuration Set, there’s no need to create a new empty Set. Just run the Restore wizard and WEM will try to use the original Configuration Set name. If the original Configuration Set already exists, then WEM will append _1 to the name, which you can then rename.
  6. Once you have multiple Configuration sets, you can use the drop-down to switch between them.
  7. A WEM Agent can only belong to one WEM Configuration set. Different Agents can belong to different WEM Configuration sets.
  8. In WEM 4.3 and newer, you add agents to the Configuration set at Active Directory Objects (workspace on bottom left) > Machines (node on top left). You can add OUs or individual objects (computers or computer groups).

Import Recommended Settings

If you have multiple WEM configuration sets, this process should be repeated for each new, empty WEM configuration set. This process is only available in the classic WEM Console.

  1. On the right side of the ribbon, click Restore.
  2. Select Settings and click Next.
  3. In the Settings Restore wizard, click Next.
  4. In the Restore from folder section, click Browse, and browse to the \Workspace-Environment-Management-v-2407-01-100-01\Configuration Templates\Default Recommended Settings folder that was included in the WEM download.
  5. In the Settings Type Selection section, check all available boxes, and click Next.
  6. In the Restore settings processing window, click Restore Settings.
  7. Click Yes when prompted to replace.
  8. Click Finish.

CTP James Kindon at WEM Hydration Kit has a collection of Applications, File System and Registry Actions that can be imported to WEM. CTP James Kindon recently added Environmental Settings to the Hydration Kit.

WEM 1909 and newer can Migrate your Group Policies to WEM. CTP James Kindon at Migrating GPO settings to WEM explains this feature in detail.

WEM Administrators

This is only configurable in the Classic WEM Console.

  1. In the Administration Console, go to Administration (workspace on bottom left) > Administrators (node on top left).
  2. In the right pane, click Add, and specify an Active Directory group that can administer WEM.
  3. After adding a group or user, right-click the new administrator, and click Edit.
  4. Use the Permissions drop-down to select a role. The roles are detailed at Administrators at Citrix Docs.
  5. Then use the State drop-down to select Enabled. New administrators are initially disabled. Click OK to close the window.

WEM Agent Configuration

For configuration guidance, see CTP James Kindon WEM Advanced Guidance – 2023 at CUGC.

Most of these settings are available in the WEM Web Console.

  1. In the WEM Web Console, click a Configuration Set, expand Advanced Settings and click Agent Settings.
  2. Click Agent options.

    • When making changes, make sure you click Apply changes periodically.
  3. Setting on these tabs are mostly self-explanatory. Feel free to change any as desired. If you imported a default configuration, then many of these might already be enabled. If not, then configure them manually.
  4. Check the Launch agent options. and Enable desktop compatibility mode. Web Console lets you configure launch exclusions.
  5. Enable automatic refresh.
  6. Enable Offline Mode and Use cache to accelerate actions processing. More info at Citrix Blog Post Workspace Environment Management agent caching explained.
  7. The Action processing section lets you select which modules should be refreshed on reconnect.
  8. Scroll down and there are options to process printers and drives asynchronously.
  9. Agent service options section has a setting for Bypass ie4uinit Check. Enabling this might eliminate a 2-minute delay before WEM Agent starts.
  10. On the left is UI Agent Personalization. On the right is Appearance and interaction. You can change the UI agent theme. Other settings on this page let you hide the splash screen.
  11. The Helpdesk Options section lets you enable Screen Capture from the WEM Agent.

  12. At Advanced Settings > Monitoring Preferences, in WEM 2407 and newer, expand Profile container insights and you can Enable large file scanning.

    • Then you can run the report at Monitoring > Profile Container Insights.

System Optimization

  1. The System Optimization node lets you configure the various optimizations.

    1. WEM Classic Console has a System Optimization workspace (bottom left).
  2. On the top left, click the CPU Management node/section.
  3. CPU Spikes Protection gives processes equal access to the CPU.
    • There’s an option for Auto Prevent CPU Spikes.
    • From Hal Lange: “CPU Usage Limit should never be set to higher a percentage than one CPU. This will keep a single threaded application from thrashing a CPU.  Example: if 2 CPU’s are available, the CPU setting should not be set above 49%, if 4 CPU’s are available, the CPU setting should not be set above 24%”
    • Hal Lange demonstrates Citrix WEM Performance Optimizations in a YouTube video.

  4. Other tabs/sections let you manually specify CPU priority and/or clamping.

  5. Web Console > Monitoring > Insights > Optimization Insights has a report showing CPU optimization.

    • From CTA Chris Schrameyer WEM – CPU LOGGING: WEM does not provide any built-in logs to determine when a CPU Spikes Protection action is taken. It would be nice to know what processes are often limited, so we can then add them to a CPU Clamping policy or identify why they are using so much CPU.
  6. Memory Management node, you can enable Optimize Memory Usage for Idle Processes to periodically reclaim memory from running processes. This feature tells processes to flush their memory to disk. In other words, you’re trading memory for disk.

    1. WEM 2206 adds an option for Optimize only if total available memory is less than (MB) or Do Not Optimize When Total Available Memory Exceeds (MB). In other words, WEM does not optimize memory until available memory drops below this value.
    2. WEM 2206 adds a Memory Usage Limit for Specific Processes. Dynamic means the process memory is not limited until available memory is low.
  7. In the I/O Management node, on the right, you can prioritize process IO. Use the slider on the far right to enable the feature.
  8. In the Fast Logoff node, in the right pane, enabling Fast Logoff disconnects a session immediately, and runs logoff processes in the background.
  9. WEM 2003 and newer have a Citrix Optimizer feature. If you enable it, then the WEM Agents will disable services and scheduled tasks according to the settings in the template. WEM comes with built-in templates, or you can add your own. Newer versions of WEM have newer templates. WEM 2311 and newer support Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022.

    • WEM 2012 and newer have an option to Automatically select Templates to Use.
    • The Monitoring > Administration > Agents section adds a Process Citrix Optimizer action to each agent.
  10. WEM 2112 and newer have a Multi-session Optimization feature that lowers the priority of processes running in disconnected sessions.


This section is only available in the WEM Classic Console.

  1. Click the Security workspace. On the top left, click the Process Management node. In the right pane, in the Processes Management tab, enable Process Management. The other tabs are grayed out until you check this box.

    • You can BlackList processes. There’s also a WhiteList, but once something is added to the WhiteList, then all other processes are blocked.
  2. On the top left, click Application Security.
  3. You can use the top-left sub-nodes to configure AppLocker. See Application Security at Citrix Docs.

    1. If you click the Executable Rules sub-node, on the bottom right is a button to Add Default Rules.
    2. If you edit a rule…
    3. You can assign the rule to a user group.
    4. The list of user groups comes from Active Directory Objects (workspace on bottom left) > Users.
    5. On top of the right pane, set Rule enforcement to On or Audit.
    6. In the ribbon is a button to Import AppLocker Rules that were exported from a group policy.
    7. The other sub-nodes follow the same configuration pattern.
  4. WEM 2112 and newer have a Privilege Elevation feature under the Security workspace. You might have to scroll down to find it. On the right, check the box for Process Privilege Elevation Settings. Notice the setting for Do Not Apply to Windows Server OSs.

    1. On the left, click Executable Rules under Privilege Elevation. Then on the bottom right click Add Rule.
    2. Give the rule a name and select an assignment.
    3. There are options to restrict the elevation to specific parameters. For example, you can restrict cmd.exe so it can only elevate specific scripts. Click Next.
    4. Browse to the executable file and click Create.
    5. CTP David Wilkinson has more details on this feature.
  5. WEM 2203 adds a Self-elevation feature that lets users manually run processes elevated. See Citrix Docs for details.

  6. WEM 2006 adds Process Hierarchy Control, which lets you restrict or allow a parent process from launching specific child processes. See Citrix Docs for configuration details.

    1. On the agent side, you must enable Process Hierarchy Control by running elevated AppInfoViewer.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management.
    2. Click Enable Process Hierarchy Control.
    3. Acknowledge that a restart is required.
  7. WEM has an audit log of the security features at Administration workspace > Logging node > Agent tab.

Policies and Profiles

  1. WEM Web Console > Profiles > Profile Management Settings lets you push Citrix Profile Management settings to WEM Agents
  2. On the top right you can click Quick setup to Start with template. Choose either File-based or Container-based.
  3. There’s an option to configure user-level settings instead of computer-level.
  4. See the Citrix Profile Management post for details on a recommended Profile Management configuration. Some of the newer settings might be missing from WEM.
  5. If you use WEM to configure UPM settings, but the settings are not applying to the WEM Agent, then see Citrix CTX219086 Some UPM or WEM Agent parameters may not be applied by the agent after switching from GPO settings to Workspace Environment Management settings.
  6. In the WEM Classic Console, at Policies and Profiles > Citrix Profile Management Settings, in the right pane, the File System tab has a useful Profile Cleansing button to remove excluded folders from an existing UPM profile share. This function might not be necessary if you enable Logon Exclusion Check.

    • Adjust the Profiles Root Folder, click Scan Profiles Folder, and then click Cleanse Profile(s).
  7. To configure folder redirection in the WEM Classic Console, on the top left, click Microsoft USV Settings.
    1. On the right, on the Roaming Profiles Configuration tab, check the box to Process User State Virtualization Configuration.
    2. Then switch to the Folder Redirection tabs, and configure them as desired.
  8. For Environmental Settings, WEM Classic Console has the Policies and Profiles workspace (bottom left) with three nodes on the top left.

    1. In the Environmental Settings node (top left), in the right pane, you can enable Environmental Settings, and configure restrictions that are usually configured in group policy. Peruse the various tabs on the right. Administrators can be excluded from these restrictions. These settings are only in the WEM Classic Console. In WEM Web Console they are replaced by group policies.
    2. The Environmental Settings within the WEM Administration Console are per-machine, not per-user. This means that, by default, all the settings configured inside of a Configuration Set apply to every non-admin user that logs into that particular Agent machine. In order to have different Environmental Settings apply to different users/user groups, they would need to be applied to a separate WEM Agent machine, and all the settings would need to be configured inside a separate Configuration Set to which the WEM Agent Machine is bound. Source = CTX226487 Guidance on configuring WEM settings per user/user groups.

Scripted Tasks

Web Console lets you configure Scripted Tasks that run at the agent (computer) level.

  1. First, add the task/script to Scripted Tasks at the global le

    1. Scripted tasks are PowerShell scripts.
  2. Then go to a Configuration Set and click Scripted Task Settings.
  3. On the far right, click the … next to a scripted task and then click Configure.
  4. Enable the task and choose a Filter.
  5. The Triggers page lets you choose when the script should run. You can Create new trigger.
  6. One of the options is Scheduled.

WEM Agent Group Policy

  1. In the WEM Download, go to the \Workspace-Environment-Management-v-2407-01-100-01\Agent Group Policies\ADMX folder.
  2. Copy the .admx file, and the en-US folder to the clipboard.
  3. Go \\\sysvol\\Policies.
  4. If you have a PolicyDefinitions folder here, then paste the .admx file and folder.

    • If you don’t have PolicyDefinitions in Sysvol, then instead go to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions, and paste the .admx file and folder there.
  5. Look for older versions of the WEM .admx and .adml files (in the en-us subfolder) and delete them. Remove any WEM .admx and .adml files that have a version number.

  6. Edit a GPO that applies to the VDAs that will run the WEM Agent.
  7. In WEM 1906 and newer, go to Computer Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Citrix Components | Workspace Environment Management | Agent Host Configuration.
  8. On the right, double-click Infrastructure server.
  9. Enable the setting, enter the FQDN of the WEM server (or load balanced name), and click OK. Note: It must be FQDN.
  10. Assign Agents to a Configuration Set.
    1. In the WEM Web Console, go to Directory Objects and click Add object.
    2. In the WEM Classic Administration Console, choose a Configuration Set and then go to Active Directory Objects workspace (bottom left) > Machines node (top left), and in the right pane, add an OU or individual machines.
  11. It’s possible that an Agent might register with multiple Configuration sets. You can review the registrations in Web Console at Monitoring > Administration > Agents.

    1. Registrations tab (right pane) might show you Agents not registered with any Configuration Set. Add the Agent to Active Directory Objects > Machines.

Install/Upgrade WEM Agent

For command line unattended installation of WEM Agent, see Alain Assaf at Citrix Discussions.

  1. WEM agent upgrade task – WEM 2311 and newer can push Agent upgrades to existing agents. In a Configuration Set, configure a file share under App Package Delivery. Then import the WEM Agent to the share. Then create a Delivery task. More details at App Package Delivery at Citrix Docs.

  2. If App Layering, Citrix recommends installing the WEM Agent in the Platform Layer.
    • If you are installing the WEM Agent in a App Layer, see George Spiers to workaround an issue with the Netlogon service in a Platform Layer that has the Provisioning Services Target Device software installed.
  3. Use registry editor to confirm that the WEM GPO has applied to the Agent machine. Look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Norskale\Agent Host\BrokerSvcName.
  4. VDA installer – In VDA 2012 and newer, the WEM Agent is included with the VDA installer; however, this install method has been deprecated. You can instead install it separately as detailed in the next step.

  5. Manual install – On a VDA Master machine, run Citrix Workspace Environment Management Agent.exe from the downloaded WEM 2407 (aka 2407-01-100-01) installation files.
  6. In the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Agent window, check the box next to I agree to the license terms and click Install.
  7. In the Welcome to the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Agent Setup Wizard page, click Next.
  8. In the Destination Folder page, click Next.
  9. In the Deployment Type page, select On-premises Deployment and click Next. Basic Deployment in WEM 2407 and newer does not need any infrastructure. See Citrix Docs.
  10. In the Infrastructure Service Configuration page, change the selection to Skip Configuration since you’ve already configured the group policy. Click Next. Note: In WEM 1912 and newer, the cache synchronization port changes from 8285 to 8288.
  11. In the Advanced Settings page, if this machine will be used with Citrix Provisioning and has a Provisioning cache disk, then you can optionally move the WEM Cache to the Provisioning cache disk. Click Next. WEM Agent 2012 and newer have some enhancements for non-persistent machines. See Prerequisites and recommendations and Agent startup behaviors at Citrix Docs.
  12. In the Ready to install Citrix Workspace Environment Management Agent page, click Install.
  13. In the Completed the Citrix Workspace Environment Management Agent Setup Wizard page, click Finish.
  14. In the Installation Successfully Completed window, click Close.

WEM Agent Cache

  1. After installation, check the registry under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Norskale\Agent Host to verify your command line switches applied correctly.

  2. WEM Agent 2012 and newer have some enhancements for non-persistent machines. See Prerequisites and recommendations and Agent startup behaviors at Citrix Docs.
  3. In WEM Agent 1909 and newer, the WEM Agent installation path is now C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Agent instead of C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Agent Host and you might have to modify your WEM Agent Cache Refresh scripts with the new path. See CTP James Kindon Citrix WEM Updated Start-Up Scripts for more details.
  4. Optionally, you can pre-build the Agent Cache by running AgentCacheUtility.exe, which is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Agent (fresh WEM Agent 1909 and newer) or in C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Agent Host.

  5. It needs the following switches:
    -refreshcache -brokername:MyWEMServer
  6. From Hal Lange: “AgentCacheUtility does except short values (Eg AgentCacheUtility -r -b:) the broker name should always be in FQDN since this does use Kerberos for the authentication.”

  7. You can also use the Web Console at Monitoring > Administration > Agents to refresh an agent’s cache and perform other actions. The Synchronization column indicates if the cache is up to date or not. It takes a few minutes to update.
    • It’s also in WEM Classic Administration Console at Administration workspace (bottom left), Agents node (top left)
  8. From Hal Lange: “Need to optimize the client by running ngen for .NET optimizations in the x64 and x86 directories. These commands will help optimize ANY .NET application installed on the system
    ngen.exe update
    ngen.exe eqi 1
    ngen.exe eqi 3
  9. AntivirusC:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Agent or C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Agent Host must be excluded from Antivirus scanning. Or exclude Citrix.Wem.Agent.Service.exe; Norskale Agent Host Service.exe; VUEMUIAgent.exe; Agent Log Parser.exe; AgentCacheUtility.exe; AppsMgmtUtil.exe; PrnsMgmtUtil.exe; VUEMAppCmd.exe; VUEMAppCmdDbg.exe; VUEMAppHide.exe; VUEMCmdAgent.exe; VUEMMaintMsg.exe; VUEMRSAV.exe.
  10. If you use WEM to push UPM settings, but the settings are not applying to the WEM Agent, then see Citrix CTX219086 Some UPM or WEM Agent parameters may not be applied by the agent after switching from GPO settings to Workspace Environment Management settings.  Delete the machine cache, which is at the following registry location:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Norskale\Agent Host\UsvMachineConfigurationSettings
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Norskale\Agent Host\UpmConfigurationSettings

    This will force WEM to re-apply the per-machine settings (Microsoft USV or Citrix UPM settings, respectively).

  11. WEM Cache tends to break often. See CTP James Kindon Citrix WEM Cache Problems…. Again for a script to reset the cache periodically.
  12. CTP James Kindon describes the WEM Client Side Tools including: Log Parser, Resultant Actions Viewer, VUEMAppCMD, Manage Printers, Manage Applications, and Help Desk Tools.
  13. WEM Agent 2308 and newer have improved Event Viewer logging.

WEM Agent on Citrix Provisioning Target Device

From Citrix Discussions: create a computer startup script that deletes the WEM cache and refreshes it:

net stop "Citrix WEM Agent Host Service" /y
net stop "Norskale Agent Host Service" /y
del D:\WEMCache\ /S /F /q
net start "Citrix WEM Agent Host Service"
net start "Norskale Agent Host Service"
net start "Netlogon"
timeout /T 45 /nobreak
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Agent\AgentCacheUtility.exe" -refreshcache -brokername:XXXX
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Agent Host\AgentCacheUtility.exe" -refreshCache -brokerName:XXXX

From Julian Mooren Citrix Workspace Environment Management with PVS – Synchronization State “Unknown”: For Citrix Provisioning, schedule a task to run the following commands at Target Device boot (Trigger = At Startup).

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Workspace Environment Management Agent\AgentCacheUtility.exe" -refreshcache
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Agent Host\AgentCacheUtility.exe" -refreshcache

From CTA David Ott at Using Citrix Workspace Environment Management to Redirect Folders via Symbolic Links – Speed Up Logon: before shutting down your maintenance/private mode vdisk to re-seal, kill the Citrix WEM Agent Host Service or Norskale Agent Host Service. For whatever reason if you don’t do this it can cause your vms in standard mode to take an obscenely long time to shutdown.

Base Image Script Framework (BIS-F) automates many image sealing tasks, including tasks for Workspace Environment Management. The script is configurable using Group Policy.


  1. WEM Web Console > Monitoring > Insights has some reporting, including a report showing disk space consumed by profile containers.
  2. In the WEM Classic Administration Console, the Monitoring workspace (bottom left) lets you see Logon Time and Boot Time reports.
  3. Double-click a category to see more info.

  4. Configuration node (top left) lets you configure Work Days Filtering for Login/Boot Time Reports.
  5. WEM 2203 adds a Profile Container Insights report for both FSLogix and UPM Profile Containers.
  6. When you make changes in the console, if agents are already installed, you can right-click the agent icon (by the clock), and Refresh.
  7. You can also go to the Administration workspace (bottom left) > Agents node (top left). In the right pane, right-click one or more Agents, and click the Refresh options.
  8. WEM 1811 and newer periodically run UPMConfigCheck every day, or whenever the Norskale Agent Service restarts. The AdministrationAgents node in the WEM Console has a visual indicator of the UPMConfigCheck results. For status details, check the file C:\Windows\Temp\UPMConfigCheckOutput.xml on each WEM Agent Machine.

WEM Actions Configuration

WEM Actions are similar to Group Policy Preferences.

The general process is as follows:

  • Create the Actions
  • Optionally create Action Groups
  • Add AD user groups to the WEM Console.
  • Assign Actions or Action Groups to user groups. Use Conditions and Rules to perform the Action (or Action Group) for only a subset of machines or users in the user group.

Create Actions

  1. In WEM 2407 and newer, WEM Tool Hub has new tools for User Store Creation and Start Menu Configurator for Windows 11.
  2. In the WEM Console, use the Actions workspace to map drives, map printers, create shortcuts (Applications), set registry keys, etc. Each Action type is a separate node. New features (e.g., group policy templates, JSON Files, INI files, Ports, User DSNs) are only available in the Web Console. 
  3. WEM 1909 and newer can Migrate or Import your Group Policies to WEM. CTP James Kindon at Migrating GPO settings to WEM explains this feature in detail.
    1. In Group Policy Management Console, back up the GPOs that you want to import to WEM.
    2. Go to the GPO Backup folder and zip everything.
    3. In WEM Console, go to Actions > Group Policy Settings and click Import.
    4. WEM 2209 and newer let you Import Registry File.
    5. WEM 2012 and newer let you edit the imported group policies.
    6. It seems to be a registry editor that doesn’t use ADMX templates.
  4. WEM Web Console lets you configure GPOs using traditional ADMX templates. Switch to the Template-based tab. Standard Windows templates are already built into the Web Console, but you can upload more templates. 

  5. In WEM Classic Console, some Actions, on the Options tab, have a Self-Healing option. To optimize performance, WEM only applies an action once. The Self-Healing option causes it to reapply at every logon.
  6. Network Drives have no field for selecting a drive letter. Instead, you configure the drive letter later when assigning the action as detailed below.
  7. External Tasks are scripts that are triggered at user logon, reconnect or other triggers. WEM 2203 adds triggers for Process start and Process end. WEM 2009 adds triggers for Disconnect, Lock, and Unlock.
  8. Applications (shortcuts)
    1. In the Actions pane, Applications have no option for placing a shortcut on the Desktop. Instead, you configure shortcut placement later when assigning the action as detailed below.
    2. You can pull icons from a StoreFront store.

    3. Arjan Mensch at Powershell Module for Citrix WEM – Part 3 – EnvironmentalSettings and MicrosoftUsvSettings from GPO and much, much more provides a PowerShell Module that can do several things to help setup WEM, including reading a bunch of shortcuts (e.g. from Start Menu), and converting them to an .xml file that can be imported into WEM. This simplifies Applications configuration.
    4. To prevent applications (shortcuts) from being created if the application isn’t installed, go to Advanced Settings > Agent Settings > Miscellaneous (or Advanced Settings > Configuration > Agent Options), and check the box next to Check Application Existence in the Extra Features section.
    5. To clean up extra shortcuts, go to Advanced Settings > Action Settings > Action cleanup (or Advanced Settings > Configuration > Cleanup Actions), and check the boxes in the Shortcuts deletion at startup section. Also see CTP James Kindon Citrix WEM, Modern Start Menus and Tiles.
    6. After you create Applications (Shortcuts), and assign them, on the agent, there’s a Manage Applications tool that lets users control where shortcuts are created, including pinning to Taskbar and Start Menu.

    7. Applications can be placed in Maintenance Mode. Edit an application, and find the Maintenance Mode setting on the Options tab.
    8. This causes the icon to change, and a maintenance message to be displayed to the user.

    9. The Applications node has a Start Menu View tab on the top right.

  9. For the Printers Action, there’s a Add from print server button or in the ribbon there’s a Import Network Print Server button.

    1. Web Console uses the WEM Tool Hub to browse the print server.

  10. JSON Files are Web Console only. This Action lets you configure Microsoft Teams settings and Windows 11 Start Menu.

    1. WEM Tool Hub in WEM 2407 and newer has a Start Menu Configurator for Windows 11.

    2. For Teams, click Add JSON object and select Standard.
    3. Click the Generate with template button.
    4. Choose your desired Microsoft Teams configurations.
  11. WEM 2311 and newer support Registry Entries in the Web Console. There’s an Import button that can import .reg files.

    • On the top right is a Settings button. 

    • If Registry Actions are not applying, delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VirtuAll Solutions\VirtuAll User Environment Manager\Agent\. (Source = Registry Entries not applied to users at Citrix Discussions)
  12. WEM 2311 and newer have File System Operations in the Web Console. There are several Action types.

    1. There’s a Settings button on the top right.

  13. WEM 2311 and newer have File Associations are available in the Web Console. It uses WEM Tool Hub to configure the FTAs.

  14. WEM 2402 and newer have INI Files, Ports, and User DSNs.
  15. CTP James Kindon at File Type Association with WEM and SetUserFTA explains how to use WEM to run Christoph Kolbicz’s SetUserFTA utility to reliably set file type associations on Windows 2012 and newer.
  16. For variables that can be used in the Actions configurations, see CTP James Kindon WEM Variables, Dynamic Tokens, Hashtags and Strings.
  17. Action Groups are not yet available in Web Console. You can combine multiple Actions into an Action Group. Then you can later assign the entire Action Group to a user.

    1. Create an Action Group and name it.
    2. Double-click the Action Group to show the actions on the bottom.
    3. On the bottom, move Actions from the Available box to the Configured box.
    4. For more info, see Action Groups at Citrix Docs.

Create Conditions and Rules

Once the Actions and Action Groups are created, you then need to decide under what conditions the Actions are performed. One or more Conditions are later combined into a Filter (or Rule). The Filters (or Rules) are used later when assigning an Action to a user group.

  1. In Web Console, go to Assignments > Filters and click the Manage Conditions button and then click Create condition. Select one of the many condition types. 

    • Or in Classic Console, go to the Filters workspace (bottom left). On the top left, switch to the Conditions node. In the right pane, create Conditions.
  2. One of the interesting Conditions is User SBC Resource Type, which lets you run Actions for either Published Desktop or Published Application.
  3. CTP James Kindon at WEM filter conditions on OU and IP Address at Citrix Discussions says that the Active Directory Path Match condition requires a * at the end of the path.
  4. Then go back to Filters and click Create filter.

    1. Or in Classic Console, switch to the Rules node (top left) and create Rules in the right pane.
  5. If you add (by clicking the right arrow) multiple Conditions to a Rule, all (AND) Conditions must match. Web Console lets you click the circle icon to make it an OR operator, but this isn’t an option in the Classic Console. 

Add AD Groups to WEM Console

  1. In WEM Web Console, go to Assignments > Assignment Targets and click Add assignment target.

    • Or in Classic Console, go to the Active Directory Objects workspace (bottom left). With the Users node selected on the top left, in the right pane, add groups and/or users that will receive the Action assignments.
  2. Web Console also lets you add new targets when managing assignments for each action.

Assign Actions to User Groups

  1. You can assign multiple actions from one place by clicking an assignment target and then clicking the Manage assignments button.

    • In Classic Console, go to the Assignments workspace (bottom left) > Action Assignment node (top left). In the right pane, initially the bottom half is empty. Double-click a group to show the Actions that are available for assignment. 
  2. When you assign an action, you can choose a Filter.

    1. In Classic Console, move an available Action or Action Group from the left to the right. This assigns the Action (or Action Group) to the user group.
    2. You will be prompted to select a Filter, which contains one or more Conditions.
  3. When you select a Network Drive (or move a Network Drive to the right), you’re prompted to select a drive letter.

    • The list of drive letters is restricted based on the configuration at Advanced Settings workspace (bottom left) > Configuration node (top left) > Console Settings tab (right pane).
  4. Application assignment lets you choose where to create the icon.

    • In Classic Console, some Actions have additional options that you can right-click. For example, you can create shortcuts on the desktop.
  5. Web Console also lets you Manage assignments directly from each Action.

Actions Troubleshooting

WEM caches Actions executions under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\VirtuAll Solutions\VirtuAll User Environment Manager\Agent\Tasks Exec Cache. Sometimes clearing these keys and values will fix Actions not applying.

CTP James Kindon at Selective Deletion of the WEM Actions Tracking Cache wrote a PowerShell script to selectively clear these registry keys and values.

Modeling Wizard

  1. In the Classic Console, in the Assignments workspace, you can use the Modeling Wizard node (top left) to see what Actions apply to a particular user.

Client Side Tools

CTP James Kindon describes the WEM Client Side Tools including: Log Parser, Resultant Actions Viewer, VUEMAppCMD, Manage Printers, Manage Applications, and Help Desk Tools.


You can enable Transformer, which puts the WEM Agent in Kiosk mode. Users can only launch icons (e.g., Citrix icons). Everything else is hidden. This is an alternative to Workspace app Desktop Lock. The Transformer interface is customizable.

WEM 2308 and newer use Edge instead of Internet Explorer. Edge enables StoreFront to detect Workspace app and auto-launch desktops.

  1. In the WEM Classic Console, there’s a Transformer Settings workspace (bottom left) with two nodes on the top left: General and Advanced.
  2. Enable Transformer, and point it to your StoreFront URL. Note, this applies to all users and all agents in this WEM configuration set. You should probably have a new Configuration Set just for Kiosk devices.
  3. Other settings on the General Settings tab let you customize the appearance, and specify an unlock password. You probably want to disable the Clock. The Navigation Buttons are browser navigation.
  4. Transformer can be unlocked by pressing Ctrl+Alt+U and entering the unlock password.
  5. On the Site Settings tab, you can add website URLs that can be launched from within Transformer.
  6. At the top of the Transformer window is a Sites icon that lets you go to the sites listed in the WEM Console.
  7. The Advanced node lets you configure Transformer to launch a process other than a browser.
  8. The Advanced & Administration Settings tab lets you hide features from Transformer.
  9. To prevent users from accessing the local system, consider checking Hide Taskbar & Start Button.
  10. You probably want Log Off Screen Redirection to redirect users to the logon page when StoreFront logs off.
  11. The Logon/Logoff & Power Settings tab lets you configure the WEM Agent to autologon as a specific account. Transformer then displays the StoreFront webpage where the user enters his or her credentials.

560 thoughts on “Workspace Environment Management (WEM) 2407”

  1. Hello Carl !

    Do you know if WEM Web console could be installed on a Storefront server ?

    I have a small customer with Storefront and WEM Broker installed on the same server and I want to upgrade WEM component to a new version with the Web console. I ask myself if this can be installed on the same server.

    Thanks for your answser !

    Best regards

  2. Hello all, I got an issue since upgrade of Wem 2407, indeed port 49752 is not open at startup… I have to stop and start Citrix WEM Agent Host Service and Citrix WEM User Logon Service after each reboot. As I am using MCS all provisioned servers restart everyday… Does anyone else experienced the same issue please ?


    1. Anyone encountered the same issue because I cannot even put the service in automatic delayed… The only service I need to restart is the Citrix WEM Agent Host Service but I don’t want to reboot it everyday…

  3. There is a contradictory statement between official Citrix document and here in the installation section about installing broker service on DDC. as per Citrix doc, “Do not install the infrastructure services on the server where the Delivery Controller is installed” but here “The WEM Broker Service can be installed on one or more servers, including Delivery Controllers”

  4. Hi all,

    I have a question which I haven’t been able to find answered in the past.

    Is it possible like with Citrix VDA to update the WEM backend first – and later update the WEM agent ?
    Or the other way around update to a newer agent, then take the backend perhaps next day ?

    I’m aware some features might not work in the period where backend and agent is out of “sync”.


    1. Hi,

      The version of the WEM infrastructure service must be equal to or greater than the version of the WEM agent. Citrix recommends that you upgrade the agent to the latest version so that you can use the most recent features.

      So firstly update the backend.
      And always lastly update the agent

  5. Hi,
    I’m trying to do a backup of configuration set from the Web console and I got error “Unable to create Backup folder”. The storage folder configured and I granted the service account permission to the sharing and NTFS Security full control.
    How can I fix it?

  6. Hi Carl ,
    After an update from WEM 2206 to 2311 , I have an error message “A valid license server with appropriate licenses needs to be configured before you can start using Citrix Workspace Environment Management” , when openning WEM console
    Even if , all the components are updated without any error (Server – DB and Console) .
    Do you have any idea about ,
    thank you

    1. On your license server, make sure the CSS date of the licenses is newer than the release date of WEM 2311. You might have to re-download the license file and install it on your license server.

  7. Hi Carl,
    we have the user excute the service Norskale Infrastructure Service that use Kerberos RC4 DES protocol (checked in AD log). Now we need to block this protocol and use AES256.
    Simply change the Attribute Editor of the user in AD “msDS-SupportEncryption Types” to 16?
    Thank you in advance.

  8. Shortcut / Icon appearing on Desktop and removal of it

    I configure a Shortcut Icon with WEM to appear on desktop if user is in a specific nested AD group: Group3 (assigned in WEM to Shortcut Action) and holds Group2 as member. Group2 has Group1 as member. Group1 has users as member.

    Shortcut on desktop is appearing when user log Off/On and if removed from Group user needs to log Off/On again to get rid of the Icon.

    Question: is this the default behavior or should it happen with a refresh of the WEM Agent either manually or latest after 15/30 minutes? Or did I misconfigure something?

      1. Yes: ‘Enable Automatic Self-Healing’ is hooked in the application.

        And after manual deletion the icon is recreated after refresh of WEM Agent

        The only problem is, that the icon does NOT show up before an LogOff/LogOn. The same happens after removal from the Group, the icon stays until Logoff.


  9. Hello Carl.
    Great article, you wrote here. We’re using WEM via Cloud.
    I see often, that all Commands under Administration -> Agents are deactivated (refresh cache, refresh agents host settings.

    On my old job we used WEM on prem, without no problems.

    In my enviroment now it looks all good configured. My firewall shows no errors.

    Do you have an idea to fix this?

    Thanks in advance for your answer


    D. Emmermacher

  10. Hi Carl,
    Do you know how to import GPP that is part of Control Panel Settings like “Regional Options”, “Folder Options” and so on ? Trying to import backup file and migrate option from WEM didn’t give me that functionnality. Unless to find out all the registry key and import them one by one .

  11. I have upgraded from 1912 to 2203. I noticed that when I go to Administrator -> Users. The “Clear Expired Records” is greyed-out. Has anyone experienced this?

  12. Hi Carl, we recently migrate to Cloud and follow all your recommendations but for some reason seems WEM is not applying settings untill first user connects, hence first user get no settings and profile, had to disconnect and reconnect, next sessions everything seems to run fine, have see anything like this?

  13. dead link in this site : Welcome to Citrix Workspace Environment Management (WEM) from CUG is MIA.

  14. We use FSLogix for profiles and Id like to pull a report out of WEM for folks where their used profile space is low. I can see it in the WEM console under Profile and Container insights and there is no way to export a report direct from there. Id like to put the user names into a txt document or something to have PS mount the drive and delete some garbage data without having to manually make a list of all of the user names. Anyone know what SQL table or tables I might need to query to get that info?

  15. hello Carl, do you know if there is a possibility to add Authenticated Users to AD objects in WEM console? didn’t find a way yet, only Everyone group is set here in default. Thanks R.

  16. Hi, I have a question which I didn’t get much help with yet from Citrix support.
    We are using WEM for kiosk devices in meeting rooms, which a user would login to and see their desktops (presented via F5 screen rather than storefront.) The issue I have is that its always asking the user to open/save the ica file, which is already associated.
    Would you know which frame is being used by the Citrix Workspace Environment browser? I believe its IE thats why the Edge GPOs do not take affect.
    WEM 2206.1.0.1
    Thank you

    1. Are you using Transformer? It’s a known issue that Citrix never fixed. You could instead buy the original product ThinKiosk.

      1. Hi Carl,

        Thanks very much for your response. I am indeed, that’s good to know. I’ll take a look at that.

        Thanks again.

      2. We are using transformer on some PCs to get users into Citrix. The transformer URL is one prior to that of the storefront, that is, we are using the WEM transformer framework as a browser. With the previous version 2206 we had no problem opening apps or desktops, but since the update to version 2311 (in which vuem incorporates Edge) users must always click on Open file when clicking on any app or desktop. Acting on Edge policies, we understand that it is useless as it is an embedded and isolated Edge. Do you think is there some way to simply get the ica file downloaded and executed silently?

  17. Issue Installing Citrix Workspace Environment Management Agent on Provisioning Master Image: 0x900421f7 – Unknown Error

    This while processing “Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime” in Setup Progress from WEM-Agent.

    Setup Failed

    Any Idea?

  18. Hi Carl,

    Can you advise on the load balancing persistence settings for WEM as per Citrix advice:

    “Session persistence is required for the connection between administration consoles and the infrastructure service. (Session persistence between the agent and the infrastructure service is not required.) We recommend that you directly connect each administration console to an infrastructure service server rather than using the VIP.”

    I cant find any decent suggestions for this.


  19. Hello Carl and comment readers,

    first and foremost thank you very much for this detailed information about WEM. Any help is appreciated with the following issue.

    Problem description:
    When executing ‘Upgrade WEM Database’step 8. from the result is:
    ‘Database Upgrade – Error while Upgrading the specified Database!’

    Log “C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Infrastructure Services\Citrix WEM Database Management Utility Debug Log.log” says:

    ‘Exception -> DbUpgradeRequestExecutor.Execute() : Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘PK_VUEMCitrixOptimizerTemplatesHash_ContentId’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.VUEMCitrixOptimizerTemplatesHash’. The duplicate key value is (1).
    Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘IdContent’, table ‘CitrixWem.dbo.VUEMCitrixOptimizerTemplatesContent’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.’

    Additional informations:
    System Infos:
    WEM Server OS = Windows Server 2019 Standard version 1809 build 17763
    Workspace Environment Management Console version 1912.1.0.1

    Thanks in advance and kind regards

      1. I tried upgrading from WEM 1912.1.0.1 to the current version 2209. What intermediate version would you suggest?

          1. Thanks for your help. I tried WEM version 2003 , 2005 , 2009 , 2012.

            Same Error and Log “C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Infrastructure Services\Citrix WEM Database Management Utility Debug Log.log” says:

            Exception -> DbUpgradeRequestExecutor.Execute() : Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘TaskId’, table ‘CitrixWem.dbo.VUEMSpecialTasks’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
            The statement has been terminated.

            I will create a ticket with Citrix support.

    1. Hi. I am facing the same issue upgrading af Citrix WEM Database from 1912.1.0.1 to 2209. Did you find a solution for this problem.

      1. Hello Carl and Christian,

        It would be great if you could correct me if my following description includes any error or misinterpretation. Thanks again for your quick support in December 2022.

        @Carl and Christian:
        Regarding my issue mentioned in the comment of ‘December 2, 2022 at 8:11 am’ and after creating a use case with Citrix support the result was:
        – Existing WEM SQL database is broken and can’t be repaired. Replace it with a new SQL database

        The following steps solved the issue in my case:
        – Take a note of your settings in WEM configuration manager
        – Via WEM Administration console backup existing configuration sets
        – Grant involved accounts (SQL vuemuser,…) temporary sysadmin role on SQL server
        – Delete broken WEM SQL database
        – Create new WEM SQL database by following for example Citrix documentation (
        – Check if settings in WEM configuration manager are still valid. Reconfigure the settings if necessary. For example use the name of the new created SQL WEM database if you didn’t reuse the name of the broken SQL WEM database.
        – Restore via WEM Administration console your previously created backup configuration sets
        – Remove from involved accounts (SQL vuemuser,…) temporary sysadmin role on SQL server

        If you have access to the citrix elearning plattform i would recommend the WEM part in

        Kind regards

  20. This may be very elementary. I do not understand by what mechanism the endpoint is locked down to kiosk mode. I assume it is not running the WEM agent, how is WEM aware of it before it connects to a VDA machine that is running the agent? Where am I getting confused? Thanks for any clarification.

  21. Hello carl,

    We upgraded from WEM 1912 to 2203 and I have actions that no longer work.
    Example a link to an excel file that has become like this:

    While in the WEM console it’s fine
    J:\Extraction\Reporting-script\Fiche-renta\Profitability sheet.xls

    To solve the problem from the user session, the only way is to WEM Agent> Manage Application> Find Application> Right click update shortcut and the link is functional again.

    For information, I never note a file name in yyyy_yyyy, either it’s spaces or dashes between the file names

    Why ? or watch?

  22. hi, just have an issue with application security(applocker), i have tested it and after that disabled the function, but on the vda the settings were not updated. so program launch is now restricted. but when i start the local gpo applocker is empty and not configured, but still blocking.. any ideas? kind regards

  23. Is there anyway to create an application action for an app not installed. The console does not run on my image it is on a jump server and not all apps are installed on this server that are on my image/

  24. Hi There,

    short question.
    Should be the workers turned off during the WEM update (2206 ->2209)? Or Workers can be online, and users can be logged in during the update process?

  25. Hello Carl,
    thanks for this article.

    However, I have never understood how to map printers based on clientnames. I consider the instructions with the Printer.XML to be very time-consuming.
    Is there a way to map printers based on the clientname of thin clients that are members of an AD group or listed in a simple CSV file?

    Many Thanks,


  26. Hi Carl,

    I’m looking for extra info on the agent cleanup actions. Specifically if the delete desktop shortcuts only apply for WEM created shortcuts or for anything that is already on the desktop (other GPOs created shortcuts or files user put on their desktops)

    Thank you.

  27. Hi Carl,

    I have implemented the Citrix WEM in my existing environment where I am using user Personalized Layer. The issue is when users login into VDI the UPL drive is loading as Temp Profile and the login process is very slow. Sometimes the user’s session are getting disconnected while logon.

    Please note that in WEM we are using CPU, Memory, and I/O management only.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  28. if you prevent access to cmd, powershell, and registry in a hardening situation in windows. Does this impact WEM external task? Being they run under the user context I am curious how windows treats it while running the action that would need to make registry changes for example or an external task that excites a script. I need to lab it up and test it to know for sure. But I’m curious if anyone has experienced this? Or if there is any docs or warning around hardening an image and the impacts of use WEM

  29. The CUGC WEM Advanced Guides are not available anymore as the website did a move 🙁
    “For configuration guidance, see CTP James Kindon and CTA Hal Lange at WEM Advanced Guidance – Part 1 and WEM Advanced Guidance–Part 2: User Interaction at CUGC.”
    Maybe someone has a saved version?

  30. Is it possible to assign specific user to a client where we use transformer to restrict clients? We plan to roll-out a Citrix application to multiple clients where we already use WEM transformer but each client would need a specific user.

  31. In Citrix Cloud and Using WEM I’m creating configuration sets with AD groups of USERs (based on location of user) and a select group of VDI’s. Unfortunately, it appears I cannot use the same select group of VDI’s in multiple configuration sets. I need to set some registry entries based on user’s location to the same group of VDI’s

    Any suggestions as to best way around this ?

    1. WEM Actions have filters. What filter option is missing that requires you to create a new configuration set?

      1. That’s all the help I needed Carl. I had to figure out the filtering but can see now how filtering will allow me to avoid multiple config sets. I appreciate your note…

      2. Thanks Carl – I figured out the filtering and can see now I don’t need multiple config sets.

  32. Hi Carl,

    Do USV config settings apply to the Config Set, like Environmental settings do? I’m having a difficult time trying to find a way to filter which devices get the USV redirection settings within a config set. e.g. we have a config set using an OU to define its members, but we want to change USV settings for a set of servers within the config set, like for a delivery group, but am unable to get a working filter

  33. Thank you for your work Carl. The pvs startup script or task should not be necessary starting from WEM 2012. See “To ensure that the agent cache is up to date, the agent automatically recreates the cache in non-persistent environments.” and “If the virtual machine is provisioned and the local database files are from the base image, the database files are automatically purged.”. I have removed my startup script after update to WEM 2103 and the synchronization is working well.

  34. Hi Carl,
    I’m confused about VDA 2112 deployment with WEM feature. At configuring WEM Server with “test connection” I get an connection error. Looking at installation log I can see that the WEM server is tried to connect with port 80, but why. I cannot see a port 80 listening at the WEM infrastructure server. Where do I fail?
    Thanks, Stefan

  35. Hey Carl, appreciate all your hard work, you are the best in the business.
    have an issue with WEM not allowing local client drive in Citrix session, ie local disk on PC X? enabled via Ctrix policy.. however with WEM enabled i lose this in explorer.
    would love to know if you had this problem, and if its a setting i am not seeing.

    1. Did you configure the UNCEnabled registry key to map client drives as drive letters instead of the default UNC? Is WEM configured to hide drive letters?

  36. Question,

    Using WEM 2016 we present Microsoft Edge shortcut to the start menu.
    After we manually start Edge (or even pin to start) the shortcut disappears and only comes back after you refresh WEM in the system tray. Other applications work just fine….

    1. Did you find a solution for this? We experience the same problem and cannot find a solution…. Drives me crazy.

  37. Hi Carl,

    I hope you are well.

    How do we force a Device or OU to pick up a new configuration SET? We have already unlinked from the previous configuration set.

  38. Hey Carl,

    I hope you can help us.

    We have changed to a new created configuration set to one of our VMs and we had to roll back to the working one and now it does not see the configuration set.

    Scenario – We changed to a “test_configuration set” – didn’t work as expected and changed back to “Working_configurationset” however it is still linked to the “test_configuration set” – How do I force it to see the “working_configurationset” again?

    Manu thanks!

    1. In Active Directory Objects > Machines, remove the computer. Then add it to the other configuration set.

      Maybe the WEM Agent is caching. Try clearing the WEM Agent cache.

  39. I have an issue with wem profiles cleansing. It seems that the profiles have too long paths and the cleansing tool fails with “error while scanning profiles!”. If I scan a single profile and remove the files with the longest paths everything works fine. Is there a workaround for this? We are running 1912 ltsr cu2.

    1. Sakari, I’ll chime in here because I’ve encountered this a lot. Google Chrome in notorious for these really deep sub-folder trees for its data (with long strings of random characters for a single folder name). I believe the source of the problem is drive mapping and the context of the application. If the user’s profile is on a network drive like y:, mapped to \\servername\something\UPM_Profiles when a different application (like WEM) is trying to access those folders directly by UNC path the length is extended by 40 or more characters. I’m not certain how to solve it, but thought it would be helpful to know how these paths (which are too long to exist) were created.

  40. We upgraded to WEM 2012 and the following folder
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Norskale\Norskale Infrastructure Services\DBSync” doesn’t exists anymore. Do you have any idea if this is normal behavior?

    1. I’m guessing they removed this folder when they removed the older agent cache sync technology.

  41. Hey Carl, have you seen issues where you disable the WEM splashscreen but it does not work, it still displays the splash screen on login?


    1. Only if the users of the physical desktop are Citrix licensed. Transformer is a feature specifically for physical desktops.

  42. Carl, might be worth adding this to your documentation because it tripped me up. For the last few versions (2003 -> 2006 -> 2009 -> 2012) I’ve had to save the Infrastructure Configuration settings after upgrading the broker and DB. I brought it up with the WEM PM team and they said this is expected. I also noticed that neglecting to save the Infrastructure Configuration results in the Norskale service being set to disabled and not running.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve also seen this but I forgot to document it. It should be there now.

      1. I had the same issue after upgrading the DB, I got an error when trying to connect to the console after the upgrade. You have to run the infrastructure configuration utility and just save the configuration again and that fixes it. It’s not in the documentation.

  43. Hi Carl,
    I am struggling with applying network drives using WEM. It seems very flaky in that it works and then it stops working. I am using security groups to decide who gets which drives and assigning the drive to the group. I have enabled self-healing on the drives and process network drives is ticked. I had it working last week but for some reason it has stopped mapping them and I can’t figure what has happened. In the logs it says it can’t find a drive but I have definitely assigned the drive to the group. Do you have any suggestions I can try? Any help would be appreciated.


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