XenApp/XenDesktop 7.18 is a Current Release, which is only supported for 6 months from release date (June 2018). You are expected to upgrade every 3-6 months. For a release with a longer support term, see XenApp/XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR.
Start Here
- XenApp And XenDesktop Component Architecture Poster
- Citrix VDI Best Practices for XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR
- XenApp/XenDesktop Upgrades – LTSR vs CR, in-place upgrade from 7.x, migration from 6.5
Build Procedures
- Delivery Controller 7.18 and Licensing
- Director 7.18
- Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) 7.18
- Catalogs, Delivery Groups, Zones – MCS ImagePrep, RDSH reboot, tags
- Published Applications, Application Groups, Published Content – App-V, Local App Access, Content Redirection
- Session Recording 7.18
- AppDNA 7.18
- Other Build Topics:
- Group Policy – VDA Computer Settings – Create GPOs, Windows GPO Templates, Computer Settings
- Group Policy – VDA User Settings – Session Lockdown, Internet Explorer, Office, Adobe Reader, and ShareFile Drive Mapper
- Citrix Policy Settings – security, graphics
- Citrix Profile Management (UPM) 7.18
- Workspace Environment Management (WEM) 4.7