Citrix Director 1912 LTSR CU9

Last Modified: Apr 30, 2024 @ 11:20 am


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Director Licensing – Premium Edition

Here’s the list of Director features that require Premium Edition (aka Platinum Edition) licensing.

  • Up to a year’s worth of performance data
    • Other editions keep up to 30 days of performance data
  • Application Probing
  • Alerting, including SNMP integration
  • SCOM alerts
  • Single session OS (aka Desktop OS) and Multi-session OS (aka Server OS) usage reporting
  • Create customized reports
  • Reboot warnings
  • Citrix ADM integration – HDX Insight

See Citrix Docs Feature compatibility matrix for a list of which Director feature came with each version, and the licensing Edition needed for each feature.

Install/Upgrade Director 1912 LTSR CU9 on Standalone Server

LTSR – Director 1912 is a Long Term Support Release (LTSR), which is supported for 5 years from the December 2019 release date. Citrix periodically (e.g., twice per year) releases Cumulative Updates for LTSR versions. The latest Cumulative Update for 1912 is Cumulative Update 8.

Install on Delivery Controller? – The Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) Delivery Controller metainstaller has an option to install Director on the Delivery Controller machine. Or you can install Director on separate, dedicated machines.

  • If Director will connect to multiple sites/farms, then install Director on its own servers.
  • For small environments, it might be OK to install Director on the Delivery Controller machines. Otherwise, Director is usually installed on separate machines.
  • Director is an IIS website. If you install Director, then IIS is also installed.

Director and Delivery Controller versions – There’s no point in upgrading to Director 1912 if your Delivery Controllers are not also 1912. Director will inform you if your Delivery Controllers are not the same version as Director.

Installation guidance – For Director installation guidance, see the following:

Scripted install – To install and configure Director using a script, see Dennis Span Citrix Director unattended installation with PowerShell.

Manual installation – To install Director manually:

  1. Run AutoSelect.exe from the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 1912 LTSR CU9 ISO.
  2. In the Extend Deployment section, on the bottom left, click Citrix Director.
  3. In the Licensing Agreement page, select I have read, understand, and accept the terms, and click Next.
  4. In the Core Components page, click Next.
  5. In the Delivery Controller page, it will ask you for the location of one Delivery Controller in each farm. Only enter one Delivery Controller per farm. If you have multiple Director servers, each Director server can point to a different Delivery Controller in each farm.
    • From Citrix Docs: Director automatically discovers all other Delivery Controllers in the same Site and falls back to those other Delivery Controllers if the Controller you specified fails. Click Test Connection, and then click Add.
  6. You can optionally force SSL/TLS for the Monitoring service by following the instructions at Data Access Security at Citrix Developer Documentation. Also see CTX224433 Error: “Cannot Retrieve Data” on Citrix Director Dashboard After Securing OData Interface Through TLS.
  7. In the Features page, click Next.
  8. In the Firewall page, click Next.
  9. In the Summary page, click Install.
  10. In the Finish page, click Finish.
  11. In IIS Manager, go to Default Web Site > Director > Application Settings, find Service.AutoDiscoveryAddresses, and make sure it points to one Delivery Controller in the farm, and not to localhost. From Citrix Docs: Director automatically discovers all other Delivery Controllers in the same Site and falls back to those other Delivery Controllers if the Delivery Controller you specified fails.
  12. If you built multiple Director servers, use Citrix ADC to load balance them.
  13. If you are upgrading Director, run C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Director\tools\DirectorConfig.exe /upgrade to complete the upgrade process.
  14. Reconfigure the default domain in LogOn.aspx since upgrading overwrote your domain name configuration.
  15. For info on the new monitoring features in Director, see Use Director below.

Director Default Web Page

If Director is installed on a standalone server, do the following to set /Director as the default path. If Director and StoreFront are on the same server, then you’ll probably want StoreFront Receiver for Web as the default web page instead of Director.

  1. Open Notepad elevated (as administrator) and paste the following text:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // -->
  2. Adjust the window.location line to match your FQDN.
  3. Select File > Save As and browse to the IIS folder, by default C:\inetpub\wwwroot is the IIS folder.
  4. Select the Save as type to All types.
  5. Type a file name with an html extension, and select Save.
  6. Open IIS Manager.
  7. Select the SERVERNAME node (top-level), and double-click Default Document, as shown in the following screen shot:
  8. On the right, click Add…,
  9. Enter the file name of the .html file provided in Step 5.
  10. Ensure the .html file is located at the top of the list, as shown in the following screen shot:

Director Spinning Circle

If after login to Director the spinning circle doesn’t go away…

…then do the following to fix it:

  1. Edit the file C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Director\web.config using an elevated text editor.
  2. Search for <serviceHostingEnvironment (line 279).
  3. Add the following attribute:

Also see CTX202564 Citrix Director Becomes Unresponsive after Submitting the Credentials when IIS X-Frame-Options is enabled

Director Domain Field

On the Director servers, locate and edit the ‘LogOn.aspx’ file. By default you can find it at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Director\Logon.aspx

In line 472 you will have the following. To find the line, search for ID=”Domain”.

<asp:TextBox ID="Domain" runat="server" CssClass="text-box" onfocus="showIndicator(this);" onblur="hideIndicator(this);"></asp:TextBox>

In the ID=”Domain” element, insert a Text attribute and set it to your domain name. Don’t change or add any other attributes. Save the file.

<asp:TextBox ID="Domain" runat="server" Text="Corp.local" CssClass="text-box" onfocus="showIndicator(this);" onblur="hideIndicator(this);"></asp:TextBox>

This configuration prepopulates the domain field text box with your domain name and still allow the user to change it, if that should be required. Note: this only seems to work if Single Sign-on is disabled.

Citrix CTX227936 How to hide the domain from Director Logon Page:

  1. Edit the file C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Director\LogOn.aspx using an elevated text editor.
  2. Locate the tag which starts with: <asp:Label ID="DomainLabel"
  3. Immediately prior to that label, locate the tag: <div class='label eight'>
  4. Add the following before <div class=’label eight’>: <div style='display:none'>
  5. In between “</asp:Textbox> <br />” add the following: </div>

Director Tweaks

Session timeout

By default the idle time session limit of the Director is 245 min. If you wish to change the timeout, here is how to do it:

  1. Log on to the Director Server as an administrator
  2. Open the ‘IIS Manager’
  3. Browse to ‘Sites > Default Web Site > Director’ in the left hand pane.
  4. Open ‘Session State’ in the right hand pane.
  5. Change the ‘Time-out (in minutes)’ value under ‘Cookie Settings’
  6. Click ‘Apply’ in the Actions list

SSL Check

If you are not securing Director with an SSL certificate you will get this error at the logon screen.

To stop this:

  1. Log on to the Director Server as an administrator
  2. Open the ‘IIS Manager’
  3. Browse to ‘Sites > Default Web Site > Director’ in the left hand pane.
  4. Open ‘Application Settings’ in the right hand pane.
  5. Set UI.EnableSslCheck to false.

Disable Activity Manager

From Disable the visibility of running applications in the Activity Manager in Advanced Configuration at Citrix Docs: By default, the Activity Manager in Director displays a list of all the running applications and the Windows description in the title bars of any open applications for the user’s session. This information can be viewed by all administrators that have access to the Activity Manager feature in Director. For Delegated Administrator roles, this includes Full administrator, Delivery Group administrator, and Help Desk Administrator.

To protect the privacy of users and the applications they are running, you can disable the Applications tab from listing running applications.

  • On the VDA, modify the registry key located at HKLM\Software\Citrix\Director\TaskManagerDataDisplayed. By default, the key is set to 1. Change the value to 0, which means the information will not be displayed in the Activity Manager.
  • On the server with Director installed, modify the setting that controls the visibility of running applications. By default, the value is true, which allows visibility of running applications in the Applications tab. Change the value to false, which disables visibility. This option affects only the Activity Manager in Director, not the VDA. Modify the value of the following setting:
    UI.TaskManager.EnableApplications = false

Large Active Directory / Multiple Forests

From CTX133013 Desktop Director User Account Search Process is Slow or Fails: By default, all the Global Catalogs for the Active Directory Forest are searched using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). In a large Active Directory environment, this query can take some time or even time out.

If multiple forests, see Citrix Blog Post Using Citrix Director in a MultiForest Environment.

  1. In Information Server (IIS) Management, under the Desktop Director site, select Application Settings and add a new value called Connector.ActiveDirectory.ForestSearch. Set it to False. This disables searching any domain except the user’s domain and the server’s domain.
  2. To search more domains, add the searchable domain or domains in the Connector.ActiveDirectory.Domains field.

Site Groups

From Citrix Blog Post Citrix Director 7.6 Deep-Dive Part 4: Troubleshooting Machines:

If there are a large number of machines, the Director administrator can now configure site groups to perform machine search so that they can narrow down searching for the machine inside a site group. The site groups can be created on the Director server by running the configuration tool via command line by running the command:

C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Director\tools\DirectorConfig.exe /createsitegroups

Then provide a site group name and IP address of the delivery controller of the site to create the site group.

Director Configuration Script

Johan Greefkes at Script for configuring Director at Citrix Discussions was kind enough to provide a script that does the following:

  • Sets the Delivery Controllers that Director communicates with
  • Disables SSL Check
  • Sets Logon.aspx file to default to a domain name
  • Adds a footer that displays the name of the Director server

The same DirectorReconfigureWithLogonMod.ps1 script seems to be available at Citrix’s Github\Powershell-Scripts repository.

Director – Saved Filters

In Director, you can create a filter and save it.

The saved filter is then accessible from the Filters menu structure.

The saved filters are stored on each Director server at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Director\UserData. Each user has their own saved filters. The saved filters are not replicated across Director servers.

You can instead configure multiple Director servers to store the filters on a shared UNC path:

  1. Create and share a folder (e.g. DirectorData).
  2. The Director server computer accounts need Modify permission to the share.
  3. On each Director server, run IIS Manager.
  4. Go to Sites > Default Web Site > Director. In the middle, double-click Application Settings.
  5. Change the Service.UserSettingsPath setting to the UNC path of the new share.
  6. Repeat this on other load balanced Director servers.

Director and HDX Insight

You can connect Director to Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) to add Network tabs to Director’s Trends and Machine Details views. Citrix Blog Post Configure Director with NetScaler Management & Analytics System (MAS).

Director Grooming

If Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) is not Premium Edition, then all historical Director data is groomed at 30 days.

For Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) Premium Edition, by default, most of the historical Director data is groomed at 90 days. This can be adjusted up to 367 days by running a PowerShell cmdlet.

  1. On a Delivery Controller, run PowerShell and run asnp Citrix.*

  2. Run Get-MonitorConfiguration to see the current grooming settings.
  3. Run Set-MonitorConfiguration to change the grooming settings.

More details on Monitor Service data aggregation and retention can be found at Data granularity and retention at Citrix Docs.

Director Single Sign-on

You can configure Director to support Integrated Windows Authentication (Single Sign-on). Note: there seem to be issues when not connecting from the local machine or when connecting through a load balancer.

  1. Run IIS Manager. You can launch it from Server Manager (Tools menu), or from the Start Menu, or by running inetmgr.
  2. On the left, expand Sites, expand Default Web Site, and click Director.
  3. In the middle, double-click Authentication in the IIS section.
  4. Right-click Windows Authentication, and Enable it.
  5. Right-click Anonymous Authentication, and Disable it.
  6. Pass-through auth won’t work from another computer until you set the http SPN for the Director server. See Director 7.7 Windows Authentication not working with NS LB at Citrix Discussions.
  7. If Director is not installed on a Controller, then you’ll need to configure Kerberos delegation.
  8. If you are load balancing Director then additional config is required. See Director 7.7 Windows Authentication not working with NS LB at Citrix Discussions for more info.
    1. The FQDN for Director load balancing should be different than the FQDN for StoreFront load balancing.
    2. Create an AD service account that will be used as the Director’s ApplicationPoolIdentity.
    3. Create SPN and link it to the service account.
      setspn -S http/loadbalanced_URL domain\user
    4. Trust the user account for delegation to any service (Kerberos only) (trust the Director servers for delegation is not necessary in this case). You have to create the SPN before you can do this step.
    5. In IIS manager, on the Application Pools (Director), specify the Identity as user we have created in step 1.
    6. In IIS manager, expand Default Web Site, select Director, and open the Configuration Editor (bottom of the middle pane).
    7. Use the drop-down to navigate to the following section: system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication
    8. Set useAppPoolCredentials = True, and useKernelMode = False. Click Apply on the top right.

  9. When you connect to Director you will be automatically logged in. You can change the login account by first logging off.
  10. Then change the drop-down to User credentials.

Director – Multiple Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) Sites/Farms

  1. Run IIS Manager. You can launch it from Server Manager (Tools menu) or from the Start Menu, or by running inetmgr.
  2. On the left, expand Sites, expand Default Web Site, and click Director.
  3. In the middle pane, double-click Application Settings.
  4. Find the entry for Service.AutoDiscoveryAddresses, and double-click it.
  5. If Director is installed on a Controller, localhost should already be entered.
  6. Add a comma, and the NetBIOS name of one of the controllers in the 2nd Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site (farm). Only enter one Delivery Controller name. If you have multiple Director servers, you can point each Director server to a different Delivery in the 2nd Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site (farm).
    1. From Citrix Docs: Director automatically discovers all other Delivery Controllers in the same Site and falls back to those other Delivery Controllers if the Delivery Controller you specified fails.
    2. You can optionally force SSL/TLS for the Monitoring service by following the instructions at Data Access Security at Citrix Developer Documentation. Also see CTX224433 Error: “Cannot Retrieve Data” on Citrix Director Dashboard After Securing OData Interface Through TLS.

Director Process Monitoring

Director has Process Monitoring, which is detailed in Citrix Blog Post Citrix Director: CPU, Memory Usage and Process Information.

Process Monitoring is disabled by default. To enable it, configure the Enable process monitoring setting in a Citrix Policy. For Citrix Policies in a GPO, find this setting in the computer half of the GPO. Note: this setting could significantly increase the size of the Monitoring database.

Director Alerts and Notifications

Director supports alert conditions and email notifications. This feature requires Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) to be licensed with Premium Edition. See Citrix Blog Post Configuring & Managing Alerts and Notifications Using Director for more information.

For CPU, Memory, and ICT RTT alerts, see Citrix Blog Post 7 New Categories in Director for Proactive Notifications & Alerts

Director supports Hypervisor Alerts from vSphere and Citrix Hypervisor. The alerts are configured in the hypervisor (e.g. vCenter). When triggered, the hypervisor alerts can be viewed in Director. Director can send email notifications when hypervisor alerts are triggered.

  • Hypervisor can generate many alerts nut Director does not have a bulk method of clearing those alerts. Citrix wrote a PowerShell script named DismissAlerts.ps1 that runs a SQL query to clear the Hypervisor alerts. 💡

To configure alerts in Director:

  1. While logged into Director, at the top of the page, click the Alerts button.
  2. Switch to the Email Server Configuration tab.
  3. Enter your SMTP information, and click Send Test Message. Then click Save.

  4. Switch to the Citrix Alerts Policy tab.
  5. There are four high-level categories of alerts: Site Policy, Delivery Group Policy, Multi-session OS Policy (aka Server OS Policy), and User Policy. Click whichever one you want to configure.

  6. Director has built-in alert policies. All you need to do is add notification email addresses to the built-in policies.
  7. In Director 1811 and newer, in the Site Policy tab, click Edit for the built-in Hypervisor Health policy.

    1. On the bottom right in the Notification preferences section, click Add.
    2. Enter an email address and then click Add.
    3. Click Done when done.
    4. On the bottom, click the Save button.
  8. On the Delivery Group Policy tab, find the built-in Smart Alert, and then click Edit. Note: this Smart Alert might not appear until you create a Delivery Group in Citrix Studio.

    1. Notice the Conditions that are already enabled. You can change them or add more.
    2. On the bottom right, in the Notification preferences section, click Add.
    3. Enter an email address, and click Done.
    4. On the bottom, click Save.
  9. You can create custom Alert Policies by clicking the Create button on any of these tabs.
  10. For Multi-session OS Policy (aka Server OS Policy) and User Policy, there are ICA RTT alerts.
  11. You can configure alerts to generate an SNMP trap. This is configured in PowerShell as described at Configure alerts policies with SNMP traps at Citrix Docs.
    Set-MonitorNotificationSnmpServerConfiguration        #see Docs for parameter details
    Set-MonitorNotificationPolicy -IsSnmpEnabled $true -Uid <Policy ID>
  12. Citrix has an experimental Desktop Notification Tool. See Citrix Blog Post Desktop Notification Tool For Citrix XenDesktop.

Director – StoreFront Probes

If you are licensed for Premium Edition, then you can install probe agents on remote machines, and the probe agents can periodically check if an application can be launched through StoreFront.

Custom Studio Role for Probe Administrator

  1. Create a new user account just for probe administration (e.g CORP\ProbeAdmin).
  2. In Citrix Studio, at Configuration > Administrators, on the Roles tab, create a new Role with the permissions shown below.

    • Delivery Groups > Read-only
    • Director > Create\Edit\Remove Alert Email Server Configuration
    • Director > Create\Edit\Remove Probe Configurations
    • Director > View Applications page
    • Director > View Configurations page
    • Director > View Trends page
  3. On the Administrators tab, add an administrator, select your ProbeAdmin account, and assign it the custom Probe Administrator role that you just created.

StoreFront HTTP Basic Authentication

  1. In StoreFront Console, right-click your Store, and click Manage Authentication Methods.
  2. Check the box next to HTTP Basic, and click OK.

Install Probe Agent

To automate the installation and configuration of the Probe Agent, see CTA Dennis Span Citrix Application Probe Agent unattended installation.

On one or more remote machines, download and install the Probe Agent.

  1. Download the Citrix Application Probe Agent 2001. Find it on the CVAD 1912 LTSR downloads page after expanding Components that are on the Component ISO but also packaged separately.
  2. On a physical machine in a remote office, install Workspace app 1903 or newer if it isn’t installed already.
  3. Run the downloaded CitrixAppProbeAgent_2001.msi.
  4. In the Welcome to the Citrix Probe Agent Setup Wizard page, click Next.
  5. In the End-User License Agreement page, check the box next to I accept the terms, and click Next.
  6. In the Destination Folder page, click Next.
  7. In the Ready to install Citrix Probe Agent page, click Install.
  8. In the Completed the Citrix Probe Agent Setup Wizard page, click Finish.
  9. Apps & features shows the Citrix Probe Agent version as 2001.1.0.0.

Configure Probe Agent

  1. Every Probe Agent machine should have unique StoreFront test user credentials. Create unique accounts for each machine.
  2. From the Start Menu of the remote machine, launch Citrix Probe Agent.
  3. Click Start.
  4. In the Configure Workspace Credentials page, enter the StoreFront Receiver for Web URL, or enter a Citrix Gateway URL.
    1. For Gateway, the Gateway Virtual Server must be configured with RfWebUI theme. Other themes, like X1 theme, does not work.
  5. Enter the username and password for the probe user for this machine.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Configure to Display Probe Result page, enter the URL to Director. Make sure you include /Director at the end of the URL.
  8. Enter the Probe Admin credentials, and click Validate.
  9. Select a Site (farm) if there’s more than one.
  10. Click Next.
  11. In the View Summary page, you may close the window.
  12. Login to Director as the Probe Admin account.
  13. On the top middle, click the Configuration button.
  14. At the top of the page, select either Application Probe, or Desktop Probe.
  15. Click Create Probe.
  16. In the Create Probe page:
    1. Give the probe configuration a name.
    2. Select one or more Applications or Desktops to test.
    3. Select the registered Probe Agent machine(s) to run the probe from.
    4. Enter an email address for probe result notifications.
    5. Select one time per day to run the probe. You can create multiple probe configurations to run the probe multiple times per day.
  17. Click Save.
  18. If you go back to the Configuration page, to edit a probe configuration, select one, and then click the Edit link.
  19. The probe configurations are stored in the Monitoring database so there shouldn’t be any concerns with load balancing of Director.
  20. To view the probe results, on the top, click Trends. Then switch to the Probe Results tab. This page seems to not tell you anything more than if the probe was successful or not.

Director – SCOM Integration

Director can display alerts from System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) 2012 or newer. This feature requires Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) Premium Edition.

  1. See Configure SCOM integration at Citrix Docs for detailed configuration instructions. Also see Marius Sandbu Integrating Citrix XenDesktop 7.7 and System Center Operations Manager.
  2. On Director server, run C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Director\tools\DirectorConfig.exe /configscom
  3. FYI, the DirectorConfig.exe /configscom command enables the following features on the Director server: /FeatureName:IIS-NetFxExtensibility45 /FeatureName:IIS-ASPNET45 /FeatureName:WCF-HTTP-Activation45
  4. FYI, the System Center Operations Manager server is listed in IIS Manager at Default Web Site > Director > Application Settings (middle pane) > Connector.SCOM.ManagementServer.
  5. On the System Center Operations Manager server, edit Remote Management Users local group, and add Citrix Admins, and other Director users.
  6. In System Center Operations Manager Console, go to Administration > User Roles, and edit Operations Manager Operators. Add the Citrix Admins, and other Director users.
  7. See Citrix Blog Post SCOM Alerts in Citrix Director for information on how to view System Center Operations Manager alerts in Director.

Director – Custom Reports

In Director, in the Trends view, there’s a Custom Reports tab that guides you through creating a custom OData Query. This tab only appears if you have Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) Premium Edition.

The Monitoring database contains more data than is exposed in Director. To view this data, the Monitoring service has an OData Data Feed that can be queried.

Use Director

The newer Director features usually require Delivery Controllers and VDAs to be at the same version or newer than Director. Director depends on the Monitoring Service that is built into the Delivery Controller. The Monitoring Service gathers data from the VDAs.

See Site Analytics at Citrix Docs.

See the various Troubleshoot topics at Citrix Docs.

New features in Director since 7.15:

Server OS is renamed to Multi-session OS. Desktop OS is renamed to Single session OS.

Analytics button lets you upload Director data to Citrix Cloud Performance Analytics. See Configuring on-premises Sites with Citrix Analytics for Performance at Citrix Docs.

The Trends views got a face lift.

Session Auto Reconnects

  • At Trends > Sessions, on the bottom is Session Details. Director also shows you the number of Session Auto Reconnects.
  • If you click the number, you’ll see more info on the reconnect. Note: it might take a few minutes for the reconnect status to appear in Director.

Workspace App Session Startup breakdown

  • After searching for a user and selecting a session, click Details on the top right.
  • Scroll down and you’ll see the Session Startup section with a new Workspace App Session Startup sub-section.

Profile Load Drilldown

  • In a Session Details screen, scroll down to the Logon Duration panel. Hover your mouse over the Profile Load bar and then click Detailed Drilldown. You see the size of profile, and the size of the Folders inside the profile.

  • By default, all folder names are visible. To hide the folder names, add a registry value on the VDA machines:
    • Key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Citrix\Director\
      • DWORD Value ProfileFoldersNameHidden  = 1

RDS Licensing status

  • The Machine Details panel shows the status of RDS Licensing for Multi-session OS (aka Server OS, aka RDSH) VDAs.

GPO Duration Drilldown

Interactive Session drilldown

  • In the Logon Duration panel, hover your mouse over the Interactive Session bars to see this phase broken down. More info at Diagnose user logon issues at Citrix Docs.

Export of Filter Views to CSV file

  • Open one of the Filter Views. Then click the Export button in the top right.

Health Assistant link

  • In Director, you can view the details of a VDA machine (instead of a user session). If the machine is unregistered, then there’s a link to Health Assistant, which opens Troubleshoot machines  at Citrix Docs.

Application Analytics

Citrix Blog Post – Citrix Director 7.16 Can Now Shadow Linux App & Desktop

Citrix Blog Post Citrix Director Supports Domain local groups in XenApp & XenDesktop 7.16!

Citrix Monitor Service API 7.16

  • The Monitor Service API uses the Open Data (OData) protocol, which is a Web protocol for querying and updating data, built upon Web technologies such as HTTP. You can use the API to:
    • Analyze historical trends for future planning
    • Perform detailed troubleshooting of connection and machine failures
    • Extract information for feeding into other tools and processes; for example, using Microsoft Excel’s PowerPivot tables to display the data in different ways
    • Build a custom user interface on top of the data that the API provides
    • Run aggregation queries with the OData Version 4 endpoints to get basic grouping and aggregation functionality.

Citrix Hypervisor Console access:

  • Troubleshoot machines at Citrix Docs details the new Console access to VDAs running on XenServer (Citrix Hypervisor) 7.3 and newer.

Director Features available in 7.15 and older:

CTX223927 How to use Director to troubleshoot application launch errors. This feature is configured in Citrix Policy Settings located in the Computer half at Virtual Delivery Agent Settings > Monitoring. Also see Citrix Blog Post Application Related Session Failure Reporting in Citrix Director 7.15.

CTX223928 How to use Director to monitor storage performance.

Citrix Blog Post Citrix Director Now Provides Disk Usage Information!:

  • IOPS and disk latency data is enabled by default.
  • IOPS and disk latency is pushed to the database from each VDA at 1 hour interval.
  • Approximately 276 KB of disk space is required to store the CPU, memory, IOPS and disk latency data for one VDA over a period of one year.

CTX223925 How to use Director to monitor NVIDIA GPU usage.

Citrix Director has an Application Instances tab on the Filters page that lets you filter published application sessions based on Session Idle Time (RDS sessions only), Application Name, and all other existing fields, like machine name, and so on. Requires Premium Edition licensing. See Citrix Blog Post Monitoring Idle Applications and Sessions in Citrix Director. See Troubleshoot applications at Citrix Docs.

If idle time column shows n/a, then you need to wait 10-15 minutes.

In Director, the Session Details panel can show if Enlightened Data Transport (EDT, aka HDX on UDP) is enabled in the user’s session. See Citrix Blog Post HDX Adaptive Transport Protocol Monitoring via Director.

CTP George Spiers has a comprehensive guide of all Director 7.16 features at

Connection Failure Details, which is detailed in Citrix Blog Post Director 7.12: Easier Troubleshooting of Machine & Connection Failures. Also see CTX223812 Citrix Director Failure Codes.

Process Monitoring, which is detailed in Citrix Blog Post Citrix Director: CPU, Memory Usage and Process Information.

Logon Duration improvements.

Citrix Blog Post Interactive Session of Logon Duration in Citrix Director – Explained: Interactive Session Duration = Desktop Ready Event Timestamp (EventId 1000 on VDA) – User Profile Loaded Event Timestamp (EventId 2 on VDA). More details in the Blog Post.

Citrix Blog Post Director 7.6 Failure Reasons Demystified lists possible failure reasons behind an Unregistered alert, and the true meaning of failure reasons such as Connection Refused and Communication Error. It details each failure reason, defines the meanings of these failures, and lists action items that serve as a starting point for troubleshooting the specific scenario.

25 thoughts on “Citrix Director 1912 LTSR CU9”

  1. Hi Carl,

    We have recently upgrade director and other Citrix component from 1912 CU2 to 1912 CU5. But in Director we are seeing the issue with “Profile reset” & “Reset personal vDisk” are graded.
    and we are on 2016 OS.

    Request you to let me know how to get this enabled as i am not finding any related article

    1. Hi Pattu,

      not Carl here but wanted to reply :-). I am also using 1912 LTSR CU5 upgraded from 7.15 LTSR CU8. Also running W2K16 “Profile Reset” is still possible for me in any running session i have checked while using Profile Mgmt of Citrix (no FsLogix or so) but “Reset personal vDisk” is greyed out because PvD was last supported in 7.15.

  2. Hello, after installing CU5 on 1912 we have issues with server not responding any more. When I try to connect I only receive loading profile…..via RDP “waiting to configure remote desktop”. Any one else having similar issues? Regards

  3. Does anyone know if going to CU5 fixes the disconnected issues from CU4? just trying to decide if I need to roll back to CU3 or push on to CU5.

  4. hey all. we are experiencing a strange behaviour with trends, apps and analytics. this pages stay blank after accessing. this has been so since a long time. updating to cu3 did not fix this. does anyone know who to fix this?

  5. Hi Carl ,

    Please could you help to explain the below lines :
    Director and Delivery Controller versions – There’s no point in upgrading to Director 1912 if your Delivery Controllers are not also 1912. Director will inform you if your Delivery Controllers are not the same version as Director

  6. About the Director Default Web Page section, the mentioned CTX223907 article seems to be no longer up to Date – is there a new best practise by Citrix how to Make Director the Default Page within IIS?

    1. Thanks for pointing that out. I just removed the link to the article. Citrix has a tendency to remove content so it’s best to make your own copy before they remove it.

  7. After we updated to 1912 CU2, all top 10 processes in Citrix Director have disappeared. It doesn’t matter whether you perform an update or completely reinstall it. This issue occurs in all customer environments that we have updated so far.
    Does anyone have any information on this or the same problems?
    The Citrix Support has not yet given us any knowledge and is currently engaged in a support case to recreate the problem.

  8. Hello

    I do not see Desktop Probe Agent for 1912 LTSR ISO, can you point me what folder it is once extracted?

    Does this have to be installed on every single VDAdesktop?

  9. Hello Carl,
    Citrix 1912 Ltrs CU1
    on my CDC server in the log I have an error
    source citrix Director Service
    Failed to execute Broker Syncrhonous Commands

    Do you have a clue to solve this problem?
    Where can I find another citrix Director log file?

    thank you


    1. You might have to use CDFControl to take a trace. It’s probably easiest to let Citrix Support do it for you.

      1. Hello Carl, I have exported a log file by configuring the IIS part and in the file I have this as an error that returns:

        NewMachineSynchronousCommand: Failed to execute command WMISELECTCITRIXRTOPCALL Error = Invalid namespace
        NewMachineSynchronousCommand: Failed to execute command WMISELECTCITRIXRTOPDEVICE Error = Invalid namespace
        NewMachineSynchronousCommand: Failed to execute command WMISELECTCITRIXRTOPCONNECTOR Error = Invalid namespace
        HostingUnitService error: DatabaseError

        Does this speak to you? 🙂

  10. Hi Carl,
    I need to take a report with the last time that a users login to the citrix, i have advanced licences. Do you have a powershell script? and if you can to, powershell for the last time to an application was used (because i need to clean my console)

    1. In CVAD Premium Edition, in Director > Trends, there is a Sessions > Session Details report, and there’s a Capacity Management > Hosted Applications Usage report.

      Otherwise, you might have to dig into the Monitoring database to see if the info you need is there.

  11. Hi Carl, i’ve noticed in your screenshot for Director under ‘RDS Licensing status’ that the buttons for Average IOPS and View Historical Utilization is overlapping. We are seeing the same thing happen in our upgraded Directors – do you know if this is a known Citrix issue which will be fixed in CU2, or is their something we need to edit ourselves? Many thanks

  12. Has anyone had issues with slow logins with Director 19.12? Just recently upgraded from 7.17 and it seems much slower than the previous version on initial login.

  13. Hi Carl,

    I am in the process of replacing our Delivery Controllers with new instances. One of our old Delivery Controllers has also Director installed. I am planning to install Director to a new separate server. How should I do this, can I have temporarily two Director instances running at the same time, or do first need to uninstall the existing Director instance before I can start using the new one?

    1. Director servers are completely separate from either other. They are just web servers that pull data from Controllers.

  14. Hi for NON Platinum is there anyway to get some notifications if we running out of available VDI in delivery groups? We have poweshell that check this twice per day but would be better to get notification as soon as we close to the max. The problem is we dont know how many new user are set up by HR. And if APAC users run out we will find out in the morning due to different time zone.

  15. I see that the Teams issue was fixed in, however the latest Teams MSI is still How are we supposed to get 4461 when using the MSI?

  16. Is there any way to configure an on-premise Director instance that’s connects to a cloud connector server? It could be really helpful to monitor the infrastructure in my zone and be able to provide support through windows remote assistance. I don’t see any options for user shadowing in the cloud director, unfortunately.

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