LDAP Authentication – NetScaler Gateway 10.5

Last Modified: Nov 6, 2020 @ 6:51 am


LDAP Load Balancing

Before you create an LDAP authentication policy, load balance the Domain Controllers. If you don’t load balance your Domain Controllers, then when users enter an incorrect password, the user account will be prematurely locked out.

If you have multiple domains, create different Load Balancing Virtual Servers for each domain. These multiple Load Balancing Virtual Servers can share the same VIP if their port numbers are different. Or you can use a different VIP for each domain.

Verify LDAPS

Use the tool ldp.exe to verify that the Domain Controllers have valid certificates installed, and the service account is able to bind to the LDAP tree.

  1. ldp.exe is included with the Remote Server Administration Tools (AD DS Snap-Ins and Command-Line Tools)
  2. Run ldp.exe

  3. Open the Connection menu, and click Connect.
  4. Check the box next to SSL. Change the port to 636. Then enter the FQDN of a Domain Controller, and click OK.
  5. If it connected successfully, you can then attempt a bind. If the connection was unsuccessful, then there’s probably an issue with the certificate installed on the Domain Controller.
  6. Open the Connection menu and click Bind.
  7. Change the Bind type to Simple bind. Then enter the service account credentials. You can use DOMAIN\Username, or you can use Username@Domain.com. Click OK.
  8. Look on the right pane to verify a successful bind. If not, fix the credentials and try again.
  9. Once you have successfully binded, you can view the directory tree by opening the View menu, and click Tree.
  10. Click the drop-down to view the directory partitions.
  11. Repeat these steps to verify each Domain Controller and any load balanced LDAPS.

LDAP Server

To create the LDAP Authentication Server, and LDAP Authentication Policy, do the following:

  1. On the left, expand NetScaler Gateway > Policies > Authentication, and click LDAP.
  2. On the right, switch to the Servers tab, and click Add near the top.
  3. Enter LDAP-Corp as the name. If you have multiple domains, you’ll need a separate LDAP Server per domain, so make sure you include the domain name.
  4. Change the selection to Server IP. Enter the VIP of the NetScaler load balancing vServer for LDAP.
  5. Change the Security Type to SSL.
  6. Enter 636 as the Port. Scroll down.
  7. Note: there is a checkbox for Validate LDAP Server Certificate. If you want to do this, see Citrix Discussions for instructions for loading the root certificate to /nsconfig/truststore.
  8. In the Connection Settings section, in the Base DN field, enter your Active Directory DNS domain name in LDAP format.
  9. In the Administrator Bind DN field, enter the credentials of the LDAP bind account in userPrincipalName format. Domain\username also works.
  10. Check the box next to BindDN Password and enter the password. Scroll down.
  11. In the Other Settings section, use the drop-down next to Server Logon Name Attribute, Group Attribute, and Sub Attribute Name to select the default fields for Active Directory.
  12. On the right, check the box next to Allow Password Change.
  13. If you want to restrict access to only members of a specific group, in the Search Filter field, enter memberOf=<GroupDN>. See the example below:
    You can add :1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941: to the query so it searches through nested groups. Without this users will need to be direct members of the filtered group.
    1. An easy way to get the full distinguished name of the group is through Active Directory Administrative Center. Double-click the group object, and switch to the Extensions page. On the right, switch to the Attribute Editor tab.
    2. Scroll down to distinguishedName, double-click it, and then copy it to the clipboard.

    3. Back on the NetScaler, in the Search Filter field, type in memberOf=, and then paste the Distinguished Name right after the equals sign. Don’t worry about spaces.
  14. Scroll down and click Nested Group Extraction to expand it. If desired, change the selection to Enabled.
  15. Set the Group Name Identifier to samAccountName.
  16. Set the Group Search Attribute to memberOf.
  17. Set the Group Search Sub-Attribute to CN.
  18. For the Group Search Filter field, see CTX123795 Example of LDAP Nested Group Search Filter Syntax.
  19. Click Create.

LDAP Policy Expression

  1. On the left, expand NetScaler Gateway > Policies > Authentication, and click LDAP.
  2. On the right, switch to the Policies tab, and click Add.
  3. Name the policy LDAP-Corp. If you have multiple domains, then you’ll need a separate LDAP Policy for each domain, so make sure you include the domain name.
  4. Select the previously created LDAP-Corp server.
  5. On the bottom, click the Saved Policy Expressions drop-down, and select the ns_true expression.
  6. Click Create.

     add authentication ldapPolicy LDAP-Corp ns_true LDAP-Corp

Gateway Authentication Feedback and Licenses

  1. On the left, under NetScaler Gateway, click Global Settings.
  2. On the right, in the right column, click Change authentication AAA settings.
  3. If you are using Gateway features that require Gateway Universal licenses, then change the Maximum Number of Users to the number of Gateway Universal licenses you have installed on this appliance. This field has a default value of 5, and administrators frequently forget to change it, thus only allowing 5 users to connect.
  4. If desired, check the box for Enable Enhanced Authentication Feedback. This feature provides a message to users if authentication fails. The message users receive include password errors, account disabled or locked, or the user is not found, to name a few. Click OK.

    set aaa parameter -enableEnhancedAuthFeedback YES -maxAAAUsers 200

Next Step

For two-factor, configure RADIUS Authentication

Otherwise, Configure NetScaler Gateway Session Policies

Multiple Domains

To support multiple Active Directory domains on a NetScaler Gateway, you create multiple LDAP authentication policies, one for each Active Directory domain, and bind all of the LDAP policies to the NetScaler Gateway Virtual Server. When the user logs into NetScaler Gateway, only the username and password are entered. The NetScaler will then loop through each of the LDAP policies in priority order until it finds one that contains the entered username/password.

What if the same username is present in multiple domains? As NetScaler loops through the LDAP policies, as soon as it finds one with the specified username, it will try to authenticate with that particular LDAP policy. If the password doesn’t match the user account for the attempted domain then a failed logon attempt will be logged in that domain and NetScaler will try the next domain.

Unfortunately, the only way to enter a realm/domain name during user authentication is to require users to login using userPrincipalNames. To use userPrincipalName, set the LDAP Policy/Server with the Server Logon Name Attribute set to userPrincipalName.

You can even do a combination of policies: some with samAccountName and some with userPrincipalName. The samAccountName policies would be searched in priority order, and the userPrincipalName policies can be used to override the search order. Bind the userPrincipalName policies higher (lower priority number) than the samAccountName policies.

After authentication is complete, a Session Policy will be applied that has the StoreFront URL. The NetScaler Gateway will attempt to log into StoreFront using SSO so the user doesn’t have to login again. When logging into NetScaler Gateway, only two fields are required: username and password. However, when logging in to StoreFront, a third field is required: domain name. So how does NetScaler specify the domain name while logging in to StoreFront?

There are two methods of specifying the domain:

  • AAA Group – Configure multiple session policies with unique Single Sign-on Domains.  Inside the Session Policy is a field called Single Sign-on Domain for specifying the NetBIOS domain name. If there is only one Active Directory domain, then you can use the same Session Policy for all users. However, if there are multiple domains, then you would need multiple Session Policies, one for each Active Directory domain. But as the NetScaler loops through the LDAP policies during authentication, once a successful LDAP policy is found, you need a method of linking an LDAP policy with a Session Policy that has the corresponding SSO Domain. This is typically done using AAA groups. This method is not detailed here but the general steps are: In the LDAP policy/server, specify a Default Authentication Group. Create a AAA Group that matches it. Then bind the corresponding Session Policy to that AAA group.
  • userPrincipalName – Alternatively, configure the LDAP policy/server to extract the user’s UPN and then authenticate to StoreFront using UPN. This is the easiest method but some domains don’t have userPrincipalNames configured correctly.

The userPrincipalName method is detailed below:

  1. In each of your NetScaler LDAP policies/servers, in the Other Settings section, in the SSO Name Attribute field, enter userPrincipalName. Make sure there are no spaces after this attribute name. NetScaler will use this pull this attribute from AD, and use it to Single Sign-on the user to StoreFront.
  2. In StoreFront Console, right-click  the Store, and click Manage Authentication Methods.
  3. On the right, click the gear icon, and then click Configure Trusted Domains.
  4. In the Trusted domains box, select Any domain.
  5. Or add your domains in DNS format. The advantage of entering domain names is that you can select a default domain if internal users forget to enter a domain name during login. The DNS format is required for UPN logins (e.g. SSO from NetScaler Gateway).
  6. On the NetScaler Virtual Server, bind LDAP authentication polices in priority order. It will search them in order until it finds a match.
  7. In your Session Policies/Profiles, in the Published Applications tab, make sure Single Sign-on Domain is not configured. Since NetScaler is using the userPrincipalName, there’s no need to specify a domain. If Single Sign-on Domain is configured, then Single Sign-on authentication will fail.

StoreFront Load Balancing – NetScaler 10.5

Last Modified: Nov 6, 2020 @ 6:57 am



Note: This is a Perl monitor, which uses the NSIP as the source IP.

  1. On the left, expand Traffic Management, expand Load Balancing, and click Monitors.
  2. On the right, click Add.
  3. Name it StoreFront or similar.
  4. Change the Type drop-down to STOREFRONT.
  5. If you will use SSL to communicate with the StoreFront servers, then scroll down, and check the box next to Secure.
  6. Scroll up, and switch to the Special Parameters tab.
  7. In the Store Name field, enter the name of your store (e.g. Store).
  8. The other two checkboxes are not working with StoreFront 2.6. Click Create.

    add lb monitor StoreFront STOREFRONT -scriptName nssf.pl -dispatcherIP -dispatcherPort 3013 -secure YES -storename Store


  1. On the left, expand Traffic Management, expand Load Balancing, and click Servers.
  2. On the right, click Add.
  3. Enter a descriptive server name, usually it matches the actual server name.
  4. Enter the IP address of the server.
  5. Enter comments to describe the server. Click Create.
  6. Continue adding StoreFront servers.

    add server SF01
    add server SF02

Service Group

  1. On the left, expand Traffic Management, expand Load Balancing, and click Service Groups.

  2. On the right, click Add.
  3. Give the Service Group a descriptive name (e.g. svcgrp-StoreFront-SSL).
  4. Change the Protocol to HTTP or SSL. If the protocol is SSL, ensure that StoreFront Monitor has Secure checked.
  5. Scroll down and click OK.
  6. On the right, under Advanced, click Members.
  7. Click where it says No Service Group Member.
  8. If you did not create server objects, then enter the IP address of a StoreFront Server. If you previously created a server object then change the selection to Server Based and select the server objects.
  9. Enter 80 or 443 as the port. Then click Create.

  10. To add more members, click where it says 1 Service Group Member and then click Add. Click Close when done.

  11. On the right, under Advanced, click Monitors.
  12. Click where it says No Service Group to Monitor Binding.
  13. Click the arrow next to Click to select.
  14. Select your StoreFront monitor, and click OK.
  15. Then click Bind.
  16. To verify that the monitor is working, on the left, in the Service Group Members section, click the Service Group Members line.
  17. Highlight a member, and click Monitor Details.
  18. The Last Reponse should be Success – Probe succeeded. Click Close twice.
  19. On the right, under Advanced, click Settings.
  20. Check the box for Client IP and enter X-Forwarded-For as the Header. Then click OK.
  21. Then click Done.

    add serviceGroup svcgrp-StoreFront-SSL SSL -maxClient 0 -maxReq 0 -cip ENABLED X-Forwarded-For
    bind serviceGroup svcgrp-StoreFront-SSL SF01 443
    bind serviceGroup svcgrp-StoreFront-SSL SF02 443
    bind serviceGroup svcgrp-StoreFront-SSL -monitorName StoreFront
  22. If the Service Group is http and you don’t have certificates installed on your StoreFront servers (aka SSL Offload), then you’ll need to enable loopback in StoreFront:
    1. In StoreFront 3.5, you enable it in the GUI console.
    2. In StoreFront 3.0, run the following commands on the StoreFront 3.0 servers as detailed at Citrix Blog Post What’s New in StoreFront 3.0.
      & "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Receiver StoreFront\Scripts\ImportModules.ps1"
      Set-DSLoopback -SiteId 1 -VirtualPath /Citrix/StoreWeb -Loopback OnUsingHttp

Load Balancing Virtual Server

  1. Create or install a certificate that will be used by the SSL Offload Virtual Server. This certificate must match the DNS name for the load balanced StoreFront servers. For email discovery in Citrix Receiver, the certificate must either be a wildcard (*.corp.local) or have a subject alternative name for discoverReceiver.domain.com (domain.com = email address suffix)
  2. On the left, under Traffic Management > Load Balancing, click Virtual Servers.

  3. On the right click Add.
  4. Name it lbvip-StoreFront-SSL or similar.
  5. Change the Protocol to SSL.
  6. Specify a new internal VIP.
  7. Enter 443 as the Port.
  8. Click OK.

    add lb vserver lbvip-StoreFront-SSL SSL 443 -persistenceType SOURCEIP -timeout 60
  9. On the left, in the Services and Service Groups section, click where it says No Load Balancing Virtual Server ServiceGroup Binding.
  10. Click the arrow next to Click to select.
  11. Select your StoreFront Service Group, and click OK.
  12. Click Bind.

    bind lb vserver lbvip-StoreFront-SSL svcgrp-StoreFront-SSL
  13. Click OK.
  14. Click where it says No Server Certificate.
  15. Click the arrow next to Click to select.
  16. Select the certificate for this StoreFront Load Balancing Virtual Server, and click OK.
  17. Click Bind.

    bind ssl vserver lbvip-StoreFront-SSL -certkeyName WildCorpCom
  18. On the right, in the Advanced column, click Persistence.
  19. On the left, in the Persistence section, select SOURCEIP.  Do NOT use COOKIEINSERT persistence or Android devices will not function correctly.
  20. Set the timeout to match the timeout of Receiver for Web.
  21. The IPv4 Netmask should default to 32 bits.
  22. Click OK.
  23. On the right, in the Advanced column, click SSL Parameters.
  24. If the NetScaler communicates with the StoreFront servers using HTTP (aka SSL Offload), at the top right, check the box next to SSL Redirect. Otherwise the Receiver for Web page will never display.
  25. Uncheck the box next to SSLv3.
    set ssl vserver lbvip-StoreFront-SSL -sslRedirect ENABLED -ssl3 DISABLED
  26. NetScaler VPX 10.5 build 57 and newer lets you enable TLSv11 and TLSv12. Click OK.
  27. Perform other normal SSL vServer configuration including: disable SSLv3, bind a Modern Cipher Group, and enable Strict Transport Security.
    bind ssl vserver lbvip-StoreFront-SSL -certkeyName MyCert
    set ssl vserver lbvip-StoreFront-SSL -ssl3 DISABLED -tls11 ENABLED -tls12 ENABLED
    unbind ssl vserver lbvip-StoreFront-SSL -cipherName ALL
    bind ssl vserver lbvip-StoreFront-SSL -cipherName Modern
    bind ssl vserver lbvip-StoreFront-SSL -eccCurveName ALL
    bind lb vserver lbvip-StoreFront-SSL -policyName insert_STS_header -priority 100 -gotoPriorityExpression END -type RESPONSE
  28. Then click Done.

SSL Redirect – Down vServer Method

If you created an SSL Offload Virtual Server that only listens on SSL 443, users must enter https:// when navigating to the website. To make it easier for the users, create another load balancing Virtual Server on the same VIP that listens on HTTP 80 and then redirects the user’s browser to reconnect on SSL 443.

This procedure details the Down vServer method of performing an SSL redirect. An alternative is to use the Responder method.

  1. On the left, under Traffic Management > Load Balancing, click Virtual Servers.

  2. On the right, find the SSL Virtual Server you’ve already created, right-click it, and click Add. Doing it this way copies some of the data from the already created Virtual Server.
  3. Change the name to indicate that this new Virtual Server is an SSL Redirect.
  4. Change the Protocol to HTTP on Port 80.
  5. The IP Address should already be filled in. It must match the original SSL Virtual Server.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Don’t select any services. This vServer must intentionally be marked down so the redirect will take effect. Click Continue.
  8. On the right, in the Advanced column, click Protection.
  9. In the Redirect URL field, enter the full URL including https://. For example: https://storefront.company.com/Citrix/StoreWeb. Click OK.
  10. Click Done.

    add lb vserver lbvip-storefront-HTTP-SSLRedirect HTTP 80 -redirectURL "https://storefront.corp.com"
  11. When you view the SSL redirect Virtual Server in the list, it will have a state of DOWN. That’s OK. The Port 80 Virtual Server must be DOWN for the redirect to work.

StoreFront Base URL

  1. Create a DNS Host record that resolves to the new VIP.
  2. The DNS name for StoreFront load balancing must be different than the DNS name for NetScaler Gateway. Unless you are following the Single FQDN procedure.

  3. In the Citrix StoreFront console, right-click Server Group and click Change Base URL.
  4. Enter the new Base URL in https://storefront.corp.com format. This must match the certificate that is installed on the load balancer. Click OK.

Subscription Replication Load Balancing

If you have multiple StoreFront clusters (separate datacenters), you might want to replicate subscriptions between them. StoreFront subscription replication uses TCP port 808. To provide High Availability for this service, load balance TCP port 808 on the StoreFront servers. See Configure subscription synchronization at Citrix Docs for more information.

  1. On the left, expand Traffic Management, expand Load Balancing, and click Service Groups.

  2. On the right, click Add.
  3. Give the Service Group a descriptive name (e.g. svcgrp-StoreFront-SubRepl).
  4. Change the Protocol to TCP.
  5. Scroll down and click OK.
  6. On the right, under Advanced, click Members.
  7. Click where it says No Service Group Member.
  8. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of a back-end StoreFront server.
  9. Enter 808 as the port. Then click Create.

  10. To add more members,  on the left, in the Service Group Members section, click where it says 1 Service Group Member.
  11. Click Add to add a member. Click Close when done.
  12. On the right, under Advanced, click Monitors.
  13. Click where it says No Service Group to Monitor Binding.
  14. Click the arrow next to Click to select.
  15. Select the tcp monitor, and click OK.
  16. Then click Bind, and click Done.

    add serviceGroup svcgrp-StoreFront-FavRepl TCP
    bind serviceGroup svcgrp-StoreFront-FavRepl SF01 808
    bind serviceGroup svcgrp-StoreFront-FavRepl SF02 808
  17. On the left, under Traffic Management > Load Balancing, click Virtual Servers.

  18. On the right click Add.
  19. Name it lbvip-StoreFront-SubRepl or similar.
  20. Change the Protocol to TCP.
  21. Specify the same VIP that you used for SSL Load Balancing of StoreFront.
  22. Enter 808 as the Port.
  23. Click Continue.
  24. Click where it says No Load Balancing Virtual Server ServiceGroup Binding.
  25. Click the arrow next to Click to select.
  26. Select your StoreFront Subscription Replication Service Group, and click OK.
  27. Click Bind.
  28. Click OK.
  29. On the right, in the Advanced column, click Persistence.
  30. Select SOURCEIP persistence.
  31. Set the timeout to 5 minutes.
  32. The IPv4 Netmask should default to 32 bits.
  33. Click OK.
  34. Then click Done.

    add lb vserver lbvip-StoreFront-FavRepl TCP 808 -persistenceType SOURCEIP -timeout 5
    bind lb vserver lbvip-StoreFront-FavRepl svcgrp-SF-FavRepl

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Domain Controller (LDAPS) Load Balancing – NetScaler 10.5

Last Modified: Nov 7, 2020 @ 6:34 am



If you plan to use LDAP (Active Directory) for NetScaler Gateway or NetScaler management authentication, load balance the Domain Controllers that are used for authentication.

An alternative to load balancing is to configure NetScaler Gateway and NetScaler management authentication with multiple authentication policies, each pointing to a single Domain Controller. However, NetScaler will try each authentication policy until it finds one that works. If the user enters a wrong password and if you have three authentication policies pointing to different Domain Controllers in the same domain then three different failure attempts will be recorded thus causing premature account lockout. Use Load Balancing to avoid this behavior.

This page details LDAPS, aka Secure LDAP. This protocol requires certificates to be installed on the Domain Controllers. When a user’s password expires, Active Directory does not allow password changes over clear text LDAP so LDAPS must be used instead. Make sure you have certificates installed on your Domain Controllers. The easiest way to accomplish that is to deploy a Microsoft Certificate Authority. Once that’s done the Domain Controllers will request certificates automatically.

An ldaps monitor can be used to verify that the Domain Controller is functional. The ldaps monitor will login as an account, perform an LDAP query, and look for a successful response. The ldaps monitor uses a service account to login. Make sure the service account’s password does not expire. Domain User permissions are sufficient. Since this monitor is a Perl script, it uses NSIP as the source IP.

If you have Domain Controllers in multiple datacenters, you can create multiple load balancing Virtual Servers and cascade them so that the local Domain Controllers are used first, and if they’re not available, then the Virtual Server fails over to Domain Controllers in remote datacenters.

The Load Balancing Virtual Server for LDAPS can be TCP or SSL_TCP:

  • If the protocol is TCP, then SSL-encrypted LDAP traffic is not terminated on the NetScaler, and is simply forwarded to the LDAP servers. If your LDAP client needs to verify the LDAP server certificate, then this Load Balancing configuration will not work, since each back-end LDAP server will have a different certificate.
  • If your Load Balancing Virtual Server is protocol SSL_TCP, then a certificate must be installed on the NetScaler and bound to the Load Balancing Virtual Server. SSL is terminated at the NetScaler and re-encrypted before sending it to the destination Domain Controller. The primary benefit of NetScaler SSL termination is that your LDAP clients can verify the Virtual Server SSL certificate.

When NetScaler uses a local (same appliance) load balanced Virtual Server for LDAPS authentication, the traffic is sourced from the NetScaler SNIP (Subnet IP). When NetScaler uses a direct connection to a Domain Controller without going through a local Load Balancing Virtual Server, or if NetScaler uses a remote (different appliance) Load Balancing VIP, then the traffic is sourced from the NetScaler NSIP (NetScaler IP). Adjust firewall rules accordingly.

LDAPS Monitor

LDAPS monitor instructions from Citrix article CTX117943 – Secure LDAP Monitor Does not Work. Note: Perl monitor uses NSIP as the source IP.

  1. Use WinSCP or similar to connect to the NetScaler appliance.
  2. On the right, navigate to /netscaler/monitors.
  3. Right-click nsldap.pl, and click Duplicate.
  4. Change the target remote directory to /nsconfig/monitors/nsldaps.pl, and check the box next to Duplicate via local temporary copy. Click OK. The source file is in the /netscaler/monitors directory, but it needs to be copied to the /nsconfig/monitors directory.
  5. Navigate to /nsconfig/monitors. Right-click the new nsldaps.pl file, and click Edit.
  6. Search for the following entry in the file:
    my $ldap=Net::LDAP->new($_[0].":".$_[1],Timeout=>$_[3])
  7. Replace the entry with the following entry. The only change is the addition of: scheme=>’ldaps’
    my $ldap=Net::LDAP->new($_[0].":".$_[1],scheme=>'ldaps',Timeout=>$_[3])
  8. Save the file.
  9. Right-click the nsldaps.pl file, and click Properties.
  10. Check the X box in all three rows, and click OK.
  11. Use WinSCP to download the nsldaps.pl file to your computer, and then copy it to the secondary appliance in the /nsconfig/monitors directory.
  12. In the NetScaler Configuration Utility, expand Traffic Management, expand Load Balancing, and click Monitors.
  13. On the right, click Add.
  14. Name the monitor ldaps-Corp or similar. The ldaps monitor logs into Active Directory, performs an LDAP query, and looks for a successful response. The monitor configuration has domain specific information, so if you have multiple Active Directory domains, then you will need multiple ldaps monitors. Include the domain name in the monitor name.
  15. Change the Type to LDAP.
  16. On the Special Parameters tab, use the Script Name drop-down list to select the nsldaps.pl file.
  17. In the Base DN field, enter your domain name in LDAP format (e.g. dc=company,dc=com)
  18. In the Bind DN field, enter the UPN login (e.g. ctxsvc@company.com) of a service account in the domain that can browse all objects. Any normal Domain User should be sufficient. Just make sure the password doesn’t expire.
  19. In the Filter field, enter cn=builtin. This limits the search results.
  20. In the Password field, enter the password for the service account. Make sure there is no semicolon in the password or the script will be unable to parse the parameters.
  21. Click Create.

    add lb monitor LDAP-Corp LDAP -scriptName nsldaps.pl -dispatcherIP -dispatcherPort 3013 -password Passw0rd -secure YES -baseDN "dc=corp,dc=local" -bindDN "corp\\ctxsvc" -filter cn=builtin
  22. If you have multiple domains, then create additional monitors: one for each domain.


  1. On the left, expand Traffic Management, expand Load Balancing, and click Servers.
  2. On the right, click Add.
  3. Enter a descriptive server name, usually it matches the actual server name.
  4. Enter the IP address of the server.
  5. Enter comments to describe the server. Click Create.

    add server AD01
    add server AD01
  6. Continue adding Domain Controllers.

Service Groups

  1. On the left, expand Traffic Management, expand Load Balancing, and click Service Groups.
  2. On the right, click Add
  3. You will create one Service Group per datacenter. Enter a name reflecting the name of the data center. Also, you will create a set of service groups per Active Directory domain so include the domain name.
  4. Change the Protocol to SSL_TCP. Scroll down, and click Continue.
  5. On the right, in the Advanced column, click Members.
  6. On the left, in the Service Group Members section, click where it says No Service Group Member.
  7. If you did not create server objects then enter the IP address of a Domain Controller in this datacenter. If you previously created a server object, then change the selection to Server Based, and select the server object. In the Port field, enter 636 (LDAPS).
  8. Note: Any Domain Controller you add to this list must have an SSL certificate installed. The easiest way to install SSL certificates on the Domain Controllers is with Active Directory Certificate Services since it installs the certificates automatically.

  9. To add more members, click where it says 1 Service Group Member and then click Add. Click Close when done.

  10. On the right, in the Advanced column, click Monitors.
  11. On the left, in the Monitors section, click where it says No Service Group to Monitor Binding.
  12. Click the arrow next to Click to select.
  13. Select your new LDAPS monitor and click OK.
  14. Click Bind.
  15. To verify the member is up, click in the Service Group Members section.
  16. Highlight a member and click Monitor Details.
  17. It should say Probe successful. Click OK.
  18. If the monitor doesn’t work, use ldp.exe to verify the Domain Controller certificate.
  19. Click Done to finish creating the Service Group.

    add serviceGroup svcgrp-LDAP-Corp SSL_TCP
    bind serviceGroup svcgrp-LDAP-Corp AD01 636
    bind serviceGroup svcgrp-LDAP-Corp AD02 636
    bind serviceGroup svcgrp-LDAP-Corp -monitorName LDAP-Corp
  20. The Service Group is displayed as UP.
  21. Add additional service groups for Domain Controllers in each data center.

Virtual Server

  1. Create or import a certificate that matches the FQDN that resolves to the new Load Balancing VIP for LDAPS.
  2. On the left, expand Traffic Management, expand Load Balancing, and click Virtual Servers.
  3. On the right, click Add.

    1. Name it lbvip-LDAPS-Corp-HQ or similar. You will create one Virtual Server per datacenter so include the datacenter name. Also, each domain has a separate set of Virtual Servers so include the domain name.
  4. Change the Protocol drop-down to SSL_TCP.
  5. Enter a Virtual IP. This VIP cannot conflict with any other IP + Port already being used. You can use an existing VIP that is not already listening on TCP 636.
  6. Enter 636 as the Port. Click OK.
  7. On the left, in the Service Group section, click where it says No Load Balancing Virtual Server ServiceGroup Binding.
  8. Click the arrow next to Click to select.
  9. Select the previously created Service Group, and click OK.
  10. Click Bind.
  11. Click OK.
  12. On the right, in the Advanced column, click SSL Certificate.
  13. On the left, in the Certificates section, click where it says No Server Certificate.
  14. Click the arrow next to Click to select.
  15. Select a certificate that matches the FQDN that will resolve to this VIP. Click OK.
  16. Click Bind.
  17. Click OK.

    add lb vserver lbvip-LDAP-Corp SSL_TCP 636 -persistenceType NONE -cltTimeout 9000
    bind lb vserver lbvip-LDAP-Corp svcgrp-LDAP-Corp
  18. Perform other normal SSL configuration including: disable SSLv3, and bind a Modern Cipher Group.
    bind ssl vserver MyvServer -certkeyName MyCert
    set ssl vserver MyvServer -ssl3 DISABLED -tls11 ENABLED -tls12 ENABLED
    unbind ssl vserver MyvServer -cipherName ALL
    bind ssl vserver MyvServer -cipherName Modern
    bind ssl vserver MyvServer -eccCurveName ALL
  19. Click Done to finish creating the Virtual Server.
  20. The new Virtual Server should show as Up.
  21. Create additional Virtual Servers for each datacenter. These additional Virtual Servers do not need a VIP, so change the IP Address Type to Non Addressable. Only the first Virtual Server will be accessible.

    add lb vserver lbvip-LDAP-Corp-Backup SSL_TCP 0
  22. Notice that the additional datacenter Virtual Servers show up with an IP Address of and port of 0.
  23. After you are done creating a Virtual Server for each datacenter, right-click the primary datacenter’s Virtual Server and click Edit.
  24. On the right, in the Advanced column, click Protection.
  25. On the left, in the Protection section, change the Backup Virtual Server to one of the other datacenter Virtual Servers. If all of the services in this datacenter are DOWN, the backup Virtual Server will be used instead. You can cascade multiple Virtual Servers using this method. Click OK and Done.

    set lb vserver lbvip-LDAP-Corp -backupVServer lbvip-LDAP-Corp-Backup

Next Steps

You may now use this Virtual IP in your LDAP authentication policies for NetScaler Gateway and/or NetScaler management login.