- Change Log
- Requirements
- Licensing Pack
- XenApp/XenDesktop Pack
- StoreFront Pack
- Provisioning Services Pack
- Citrix SCOM Management Pack – NetScaler
Change Log
- 2018 May 27 – StoreFront Probe Account – added link to CTX222920 Error: “StoreFront Store Service Probe Failed” While Using Citrix SCOM Management Pack for StoreFront
- 2017 Dec 3:
- Updated XAXD Pack Install for version 3.14.
- Installing XAXDAgent from SCOM Console seems to fail on service logon account configuration.
- Updated StoreFront Pack Install for version 1.13.
- Updated XAXD Pack Install for version 3.14.
- XenApp/XenDesktop Platinum Edition with current Subscription Advantage
- XenApp/XenDesktop version 6.0 or newer
- Citrix Licensing Server 11.13.1 or newer
- System Center Operations Manager 2012 or newer
Citrix provided an overview of the SCOM Management Packs during a breakout session at Synergy 2016.
Licensing Pack
See Citrix Docs for Full Documentation of the Licensing Pack.
- Download the Citrix SCOM Management Pack Bundle and extract it.
- Extract the file.
- In SCOM Console, go to Administration, right-click Management Packs, and click Import Management Packs.
- Click Add, and click add from disk.
- Browse to the extracted License Server Management Pack, and select all three files. Click Open.
- Click Install.
- Click Close when done.
- Go to Administration > Device Management > Agent Managed.
- Double-click your license server.
- On the Security tab, check the box next to Allow this agent to act as a proxy, and click OK.
- If you go to Monitoring > Citrix License Server > License Server State, you’ll eventually see your license server.
XenApp/XenDesktop Pack
See Citrix Docs for Full Documentation of the XenApp/XenDesktop Pack.
- Citrix Blog Post What’s New with the Citrix SCOM Management Packs – Nov 2017: The noticeable features additions are XenApp and XenDesktop Zone monitoring, enhanced XenApp and XenDesktop Site Database availability monitoring, Application usage reports and monitoring the validity of certificates used by StoreFront.
- Citrix Blog Post New Citrix SCOM Management Packs Are Available! details the performance improvements in version 3.12 of the XenApp/XenDesktop Management Pack.
- Citrix Blog Post Check Out What’s New with Citrix SCOM Management Packs! details the performance improvements in version 3.11 of the XenApp/XenDesktop Management Pack.
- Citrix Blog Post Configuring SCOM Aggregation Retention Times for XenApp/XenDesktop. Default for hourly aggregations is 400 days. This can be changed to 100 days to reduce database usage.
- Citrix Blog Post XenApp & XenDesktop Management Packs for SCOM Explained: With 5,000 VDAs, Average CPU usage of MPXAXDAgent was ~ 24% and Average Memory usage of MPXAXDAgent was ~ 2 GB
- Citrix Blog Post Automatic Recovery of XenApp and XenDesktop Services!: how to configure the Management Pack to automatically recover Citrix services.
To upgrade:
- Install the updated SCOM Pack on the SCOM Server.
- Run the Install MPXAXD Agent task, and override the UpgradeAgent parameter to true.
- In-place upgrade the Machine Agent.
- Import updated SLA Dashboard Management Pack.
Install/Upgrade Citrix XenAppXenDesktop Pack
To install or upgrade:
- To upgrade, simply run the installer again as detailed in the next step.
- Download the Citrix SCOM Management Pack Bundle.
- On the System Center Operations Manager server, run Citrix_SCOM_Management_Pack_for_XenAppXenDesktop.exe.
- In the Welcome to the setup wizard for Citrix SCOM Management Pack for XenApp and XenDesktop page, click Next.
- In the View Relevant Product Configuration page, click Next.
- If upgrading, the installer will detect the older version. Click Next to begin the upgrade. For new installs, skip to the next step.
- In the License Agreement page, check the box next to I accept the terms, and click Next.
- In the Destination Folder page, click Next.
- In the Configure Post-Install Actions page, check the box next to Automatically import the Management Pack. Feel free to uncheck Enable the product to send anonymous usage statistics to Citrix. Click Install.
- In the Completed the setup for Citrix SCOM Management Pack for XenApp and XenDesktop page, click Next.
- In the All post-install actions were successfully executed page, click Finish.
Citrix XAXD Pack Action Account
- Create a new account. This account must be an administrator on all monitored Citrix machines: Controllers, VDAs, etc.
- In Citrix Studio, add the action account with Read-only permissions.
- In SCOM console, go to Administration workspace, right-click, and click Create Run As Account.
- In the Introduction page, click Next.
- In the General Properties page, change the account type to Windows.
- Give the account a display name and click Next.
- In the Credentials page, enter the previously created action account credentials and click Next.
- In the Distribution Security page, best practice is to select More secure. But you’ll need to manually specify every agent that should receive these credentials. Click Create.
- In the Completion page, click Close.
- In the Administration workspace, go to Run As > Profiles.
- Double-click Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop Monitoring Account.
- In the Introduction page, click Next.
- In the General Properties page, click Next.
- In the Run As Accounts page, click Add.
- Select the previously created action account, and click OK.
- Click Save.
- In the Completion page, if the Run As account is configured for Secure Distribution, then click the link to specify Agents to receive the credentials.
MP Agent Installation Account
Several of the Management Packs require an additional agent to be installed on top of the SCOM agent. Create an Active Directory account that will be used by the agent installer to connect to the file share on the System Center Operations Manager server. This configuration is used by several of Citrix’s Management Packs.
- In Active Directory, create a new regular account for Management Pack Agent installation.
- On the System Center Operations Manager server, open Computer Management.
- Edit the CitrixMPShareUsers local group.
- Add the MP Agent Installation Account. Also add the Citrix Admins group. Click OK.
- In SCOM Console, go to the Administration workspace, right-click, and click Create Run As Account.
- In the Introduction page, click Next.
- In the General Properties page, change the account type to Windows.
- Give the account a display name and click Next.
- In the Credentials page, enter the previously created Agent Installation account credentials, and click Next.
- In the Distribution Security page, best practice is to select More secure. But you’ll need to manually specify every agent that should receive these credentials. Click Create.
- In the Completion page, click Close.
- In the Administration workspace, go to Run As > Profiles.
- Double-click Citrix Management Pack Network Share Account.
- In the Introduction page, click Next.
- In the General Properties page, click Next.
- In the Run As Accounts page, click Add.
- Select the previously created Management Pack Agent installation account, and click OK.
- Click Save.
SCOM Proxy Agent
All Microsoft SCOM Agents running Citrix Agents must be marked as a Proxy Agent.
- In the SCOM Console, go to the Administration workspace, expand Device Management, and click Agent Managed.
- Double-click your SCOM Agent.
- On the Security tab, check the box next to Allow this agent to act as a proxy, and click OK.
Director URL
- On the SCOM server, run XenApp and XenDesktop MP Configuration.
- In Management Pack 3.12 and newer, the first time you launch the tool, you’ll be taken to the Configuration encryption tab. Click Set, and enter a permanent password. Note: the password will later be entered in clear text when running a SCOM Task to install or upgrade the agent.
- For environments with more than 100 Delivery Groups, 600 Server OS machines, and 1,500 applications, see Configuring SCOM Administrator at Citrix Docs to configure the SCOM Connector by specifying a SCOM Administrator on the SCOM Administrator tab.
- On the Director URL tab, click Add.
- Enter the XenDesktop Site name (farm name).
- Enter the Director URL for the farm, and click OK twice.
Push Citrix XAXD Agent
To push the XAXD Agent:
- In the SCOM Console, go to Monitoring workspace, expand Citrix Library, and click XenApp/XenDesktop Delivery Controller Computers.
- Select a Delivery Controller.
- On the bottom right, in the XAXD Delivery Controller Computer Role Tasks pane, click Check Installation Prerequisites.
- Click Run.
- Review the report, and then click Close.
- Now click the Install Citrix MPXAXD Agent task.
- If desired, you can override the Task Parameters. See the documentation for details.
- In 3.12 and newer, you must override the Encryption Password parameter, and specify the password you entered in the Configuration Tool.
- If upgrading, set UpgradeAgent to true. Then click Run.
- When done, review the task output, and then click Close.
- If you see an Error about the service logon account…
- Then go to the Delivery Controller, open Services, and reconfigure Citrix MPXAXD Agent service to run as a local administrator that has read-only permissions in Citrix Studio.
- Then go to the Delivery Controller, open Services, and reconfigure Citrix MPXAXD Agent service to run as a local administrator that has read-only permissions in Citrix Studio.
- The agent will eventually report as Healthy.
- You can verify configuration by running the Check Requirements and Configuration task. You might have to also run the Update Configuration task.
- If you scroll down, you’ll see the agent version.
- Citrix CTX224736 Citrix SCOM Management Pack for XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x – Disabling monitoring of VDA Services in large environments: In large environments, with 500+ Server OS machines, disable monitoring of VDA services on Server OS machines.
- Citrix CTX225735 Citrix SCOM MP Agents – Support Information Logging: The information in the SCOM MP Agent log files might be insufficient to troubleshoot certain issues. You can set additional product logging by modifying the log level registry key.
- The log files are located at %ProgramData%\Citrix\SCOM MP Agent\logs
- Logging configuration for some agents is located in the mp_config.ini file.
- Citrix CTX230082 Citrix SCOM Management Pack for XenApp and XenDesktop – Monitoring failure on connections live for more than 24 hours. If any Session A in the monitored environment last longer than 24 hours, any new sessions that start after the 24-hour retention period but before Session A ends will not be monitored properly. 💡
- ConnectionEventsMaxAgeInHours (DWORD) = number of hours you expect the longest connections in the monitored environment to last
Install Citrix Machine Proxy Agent
To monitor the performance of the VDAs, install the Citrix Machine Agent on any Windows Server 2012 or newer machine (Windows Server 2008 R2 is not supported). This Agent will use PSRemoting to connect to a Delivery Controller to enumerate the VDAs in the farm. The Agent will then use WinRM to pull performance data and session data from the VDAs.
- Enable PSRemoting on the Delivery Controllers.
- On the VDAs, run winrm quickconfig.
- The Machine Agent uses an account to connect to Delivery Controller and VDAs. You can use the same Action Account created earlier for the Management Pack. This account must be a read-only administrator in XenDesktop and it must have administrator permissions to all Controllers and VDAs.
- To verify WinRM, run Command Prompt as the action account.
- Run
winrm identify -r:http://myvda.corp.local:5985 -auth:Kerberos
. It should connect.
- Go to any Windows Server 2012 or newer machine that you want to run the VDA Machine Agent on. The Machine Agent uses WinRM to connect to the VDAs. One option is to install it on one of the Delivery Controllers.
- Connect to \\scom01\CitrixMPShare.
- Copy XenDesktop Machine MP to the local machine.
- Run Support.exe /checkprereq to verify prerequisites.
- Then run MPXAXDMachineAgent.exe.
- In the Welcome to the setup wizard for Citrix SCOM Management Pack Machine Agent for XenApp and XenDesktop page, click Next.
- The installer will detect the previously installed version. Click Next.
- In the End User License Agreement page, check the box next to I accept the terms, and click Next.
- In the Destination Folder page, click Next.
- In the Destination Data Folder page, click Next.
- In the Agent Service Account page, enter the service account (action account) credentials, and click Next.
- In the Delivery Controllers page, enter the hostnames of the Delivery Controllers you want this agent to monitor, and click Install.
- In the Completed the setup wizard for Citrix SCOM Management Pack Machine Agent for XenApp and XenDesktop page, click Finish.
- In SCOM console, go to Monitoring > Citrix Library > XenApp/XenDesktop Machine Monitoring.
- Select a Proxy computer.
- On the bottom right, run the Update Configuration task.
- Then run the Check Requirements task.
If the Machine Agent Proxy Computer is monitoring a large environment, then see the following. Environments with more than 100 Delivery Groups, 600 Server OS machines, and 1,500 applications are considered large.
- Monitoring large environments at Citrix Docs.
- Configuration for large XenApp and XenDesktop environments at Citrix Docs.
- CTX219486 Adjusting XenApp/ XenDesktop Machine Agent Configuration in Large Citrix Environment for details on the values that can be set at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Comtrade\XenDesktop MP Machine Agent.
New Reports
3.14 adds new Application – Usage report as described in Citrix Blog Post What’s New with the Citrix SCOM Management Packs – Nov 2017.
3.9 adds two new Reports as described in Citrix Blog Post Monitor Site Infrastructure & Delivery Group Availability with Citrix SCOM Management Pack for XenApp and XenDesktop:
- Site – Infrastructure Availability report – availability of a Site infrastructure over time. Availability is determined by health (availability) of most important Citrix services on the Delivery controller computers, and availability of configured hosting connections.
- Delivery Group – Availability – availability of desktops provided with the selected Delivery Group
3.8 adds two new Reports as described in Citrix Blog Post Analyzing Application/Desktop Usage with Citrix SCOM Management Pack for XenApp and XenDesktop.
- Application – User Activity report – see for a selected application which users have been using it and when. For each specific usage you also get usage duration, IP address of the client computer, and machine name on which the application was running.
- Delivery Group – Desktop User Activity report – shows which users have been using desktop and when for each selected Delivery Group. It is almost identical to the “Application – User Activity” report, except that the delivery group is selected instead of application and you get desktop usages in the specific delivery group instead of application usages.
Customize Management Pack
Citrix Blog Post Increasing the Application Discovery Limit in Citrix SCOM Management Pack: That limit is around 1,500 applications. Now, you can discover more than 1,500 applications using the following method. We have tested the discovery of up to 4,500 applications in our lab environment.
The existing management pack has five discoveries for applications. Each discovery can discover approximately 300 applications. We have created a custom management pack that includes an additional 10 discoveries to be able to discover a total of 4,500 applications. See the Blog Post for the download link.
SLA Dashboards
The XAXD Pack has an extra Management Pack that adds SLA Targets and dashboards.
- In SCOM Console, go to Administration workspace, right-click Management Packs and click Import Management Packs.
- Click Add and then click Add from disk.
- Connecting to the online catalog is not required.
- Browse to C:\Program Files\Citrix\XenDesktop MP (orC:\Program Files\Comtrade\XenDesktop MP) and select the Citrix.XenApp.And.XenDesktop.SLADashboards Management Pack. Click Open.
- Click Install.
- Click Close when done.
- Go to the Monitoring workspace, expand Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop, expand Dashboards, and click Delivery Group SLA Dashboard.
- On the right, click the gear icon, and click Configure.
- In the General Properties page, click Next.
- In the Scope page, click Add.
- Select the Desktop OS Delivery Group Health and Server OS Delivery group Health SLAs and click Add. Then click OK.
- Click Finish.
- On the left, click the Site SLA Dashboard.
- On the right, look for the lower gear icon and click Configure. You might have to click the Site SLAs pane first.
- In the General Properties page, click Next.
- In the Scope page, click Add.
- Select Site Health and click Add. Then click OK.
- Click Finish.
- If you go to Authoring > Service Level Tracking, you can create more SLAs. See the documentation for details.
- The XAXD pack also adds a bunch of reports.
StoreFront Pack
Full documentation at
Install Citrix StoreFront Pack
- Download the Citrix SCOM Management Pack Bundle.
- On the System Center Operations Manager server, run Citrix_SCOM_Management_Pack_for_StoreFront.exe.
- In the Welcome to the setup wizard for Citrix SCOM Management Pack for StoreFront page, click Next.
- In the View Relevant Product Configuration page, click Next.
- The installer could detect an older version. Click Next.
- In the License Agreement page, check the box next to I accept the terms and click Next.
- In the Destination Folder page, click Next.
- In the Configure Post-Install Actions page, check the box next to Automatically import the Management Pack, and click Install.
- In the Completed the setup for the Citrix SCOM Management Pack for StoreFront page, click Next.
- In the All post-install actions were successfully executed page, click Finish.
MP Agent Installation Account
Configure the MP Agent Installation Account as detailed earlier for the XAXD Pack.
SCOM Proxy Agent
All Microsoft SCOM Agents running Citrix Agents must be marked as a Proxy Agent.
- In the SCOM Console, go to the Administration workspace, expand Device Management and click Agent Managed.
- Double-click your SCOM Agent.
- On the Security tab, check the box next to Allow this agent to act as a proxy, and click OK.
Probe Account
The StoreFront Management Pack logs into StoreFront using an account. StoreFront must be configured with Explicit Authentication.
- On the SCOM server, run StoreFront MP Configuration.
- In Management Pack 1.11 and newer, the first time you launch the tool, you’ll be taken to the Encryption Password tab. Click Set, and enter a permanent password. Note: the password will later be entered in clear text run running a SCOM Task to install or upgrade the agent.
- On the StoreFront availability tab, click Add.
- Enter credentials that can log into StoreFront. Make sure the userPrincipalName suffix or domain name matches one of the allowed domains configured on StoreFront (Source = CTX222920 Error: “StoreFront Store Service Probe Failed” While Using Citrix SCOM Management Pack for StoreFront). Click OK twice.
- Click OK.
Push Citrix StoreFront Agent
- If the StoreFront Server is Windows 2008 R2, install Microsoft hotfix 2847346 Svchost.exe running NSI service leaks memory and non-paged pool memory leak Tag NSpc. Also see Citrix CTX225624 Citrix SCOM MP for Storefront causes high memory utilization on Windows Server 2008 R2.
- In the SCOM Console, go to Monitoring workspace, expand Citrix Library, and click StoreFront Computers.
- Select a StoreFront server.
- On the bottom right, in the StoreFron Server Computer Role Tasks pane, click Check Installation Prerequisites.
- Click Run.
- Review the report, and then click Close.
- Now click the Install Citrix MPSF Agent task.
- If desired, you can override the Task Parameters. See the documentation for details.
- In 1.11 and newer, you must override the Encryption Password parameter, and specify the password you entered in the Configuration Tool.
- If upgrading, override UpgradeAgent, and set it to true.
- Then click Run.
- When done, review the report, and then click Close.
- The agent will eventually report as Healthy.
- You can verify configuration and version by running the Check Requirements and Configuration task. You might have to also run the Update Configuration task.
Provisioning Services Pack
Full Documentation is at
Install Citrix Provisioning Services Pack
- Download the Citrix SCOM Management Pack Bundle.
- On the System Center Operations Manager server, run Citrix_SCOM_Management_Pack_for_ProvisioningServices.exe.
- In the Welcome to the InstallShield wizard for Citrix SCOM Management Pack for Provisioning Services page, click Next.
- In the View Relevant Product Configuration page, click Next.
- If an older version is detected, click Next to upgrade it.
- In the License Agreement page, check the box next to I accept the terms, and click Next.
- In the Destination Folder page, click Next.
- In the Configure Post-Install Actions page, check the box next to Automatically import the Management Pack, and click Install.
- In the Completed the setup for Citrix SCOM Management Pack for Provisioning Services page, click Next.
- In the All post-install actions were successfully executed page, click Finish.
MP Agent Installation Account
Configure the MP Agent Installation Account as detailed earlier for the XAXD Pack.
SCOM Proxy Agent
All Microsoft SCOM Agents running Citrix Agents must be marked as a Proxy Agent.
- In the SCOM Console, go to the Administration workspace, expand Device Management, and click Agent Managed.
- Double-click your SCOM Agent.
- On the Security tab, check the box next to Allow this agent to act as a proxy and click OK.
- If you have many Provisioning Services servers, you can run Provisioning Services MP Configuration from the Start Menu, and enable Proxy using this tool.
- In Management Pack 1.17 and newer, the first time you launch the tool, you’ll be taken to the Configuration encryption tab. Click Set, and enter a permanent password. Note: the password will later be entered in clear text run running a SCOM Task to install or upgrade the agent.
- Then you can configure the Proxy tab.
Farm Account
The Provisioning Services Management Pack needs to log into the Provisioning Services farm.
- Create a service account and make it a full Provisioning Services farm administrator.
- On the SCOM server, run Provisioning Services MP Configuration.
- In Management Pack 1.17 and newer, the first time you launch the tool, you’ll be taken to the Configuration encryption tab. Click Set, and enter a permanent password. Note: the password will later be entered in clear text run running a SCOM Task to install or upgrade the agent.
- On the Provisioning Services tab, click Add.
- Enter a farm name. You’ll need this farm name later.
- Enter credentials for a full farm administrator, and click OK.
- Click OK.
Push Citrix Provisioning Services Agent
- In the SCOM Console, go to Monitoring workspace, expand Citrix Library, and click Provisioning Services Computers.
- Select a Provisioning Services server.
- On the bottom right, in the Tasks pane, click Check Installation Prerequisites.
- Click Run.
- Review the report, and click Close.
- Now click the Install Citrix MPPVS Agent task.
- If desired, you can override the Task Parameters. For example, UpgradeAgent can be overridden to true. See the documentation for details.
- In 1.18 and newer, you must override the Encryption Password parameter, and specify the password you entered in the Configuration Tool.
- Then click Run.
- When done, review the report, and click Close.
- Run the Set Farm Name on Citrix MPPVS Agent task.
- Override the Task Parameter.
- Specify the farm name. This should match the farm account created earlier. Then click Override.
- Click Run.
- Review the task output, and click Close.
- The agent will eventually report as Healthy.
- You can verify configuration by running the Check Requirements and Configuration task. You might have to also run the Update Configuration task.
- From John Haggerty in the comments: If you see: “Connection to PVS Soap Server Failed”, and if C:\ProgramData\Citrix\Provisioning Services MP Agent\mppvs_agt.log says “Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) authentication failed”, then configure Kerberos Authentication for Citrix MPPVS Agent service. To enable Kerberos authentication, perform the following steps:
- Set “Log On” account for “Citrix MPVPS Agent” service to the account you are using for MPPVS.
- In command prompt, go to “%Program Files%\Citrix\Provisioning Services MP Agent” and execute
PVSMonitorSvc.exe /setconnection runninguser
- Restart “Citrix MPVPS Agent” service and after a minute run check requirements tool to check if agent is ok now.
- NOTE: Issue will be resolved in next discovery cycle (by default 5 minutes).